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Phantom of History

Today is the 60th anniversary of UN Charter of Human Rights, the sky is gloomy and sullen, just
like my feeling.

There existed a variety of terrorists according to classification: left wing, right wing; political, economical, religious; superior, inferior. Traditional terrorists do instant killing-- often suicidal.
Domestic economical terrorists do both--chronic(encroaching money and depriving others of rights to
survive) and instant(sometimes using underworld) .

According to Swiss scientist, Dr.Jean-Jacques Babel's research indicates 14500 wars were fought for
power and interests in the human history, only very few remains just.

Dr.Arthur Horn says Homo Sapient is primitive species, Dr.Richard Boylan says junior partner in the cosmic scope.
Famous quote from James Joyce "History is a nightmare from which I'm awakening" is echoed
in my reality.