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Showing posts from January, 2021

2021-1-22 ext. to 2021-7-30 More Content

2021-7-30 Update in the end 2021-5-23 more revision 2021-2-5 Update   Although the "great leader" Chairman Mao presented a quite famous satirical article"Farewell, Mr. John Leighton Stuart" in 1949, it seems another authentic genuine incarnation of Edar Snow has stood up in USA- a Ms. Anita Dunn who has been showing a passion for Mao, let's help her engage in more adoration of Mao: firstly, the Wu Lin Square in Hangzhou where Mr. Stuart lived(now chosen for him to be buried) should be restored as Red Sun(Mao's alias) Square- it's called"the fiercing storm of the Proletarian Cultural Revolution can shake every continent/ocean in that red scorching/flaming era“ (五洲四海风雷激荡之火红年代);  secondly, let Red Guard(红卫兵)plus quasi-organization(红总司、工总司)receive vindication- to do "redress, remedy, reparation"- to cite UN slogan(for the regret of history that opportunity didn't favor the would-be Shanghai workers millitia uprising)  - esp. to honor Wang,...

2021-1-17 Update(Cosmically Speaking)- If Only

2021-1-17 Update Please choose not being prone to selective omission of some other dimensions in a matter in order to reflect spiritual wholeness and allow others help those encompass/enjoy all connotation/denotation regarding that paticular thing(somthing called single-out). Once upon a time, Ms. Chai, Ling, a prominent  Tian-an-men Square student leader, yelled out a cry:"Down with Fascist" against a cabel led by Deng, Xiao-ping and Li, Peng which has been merging with another cabel led by H. H. Kung/L.K. Kung- cosmic relay and/or cosmic interplay. __________________________________________________ If only this infamous H. H. Kung(孔祥熙, admirior of Hitler(cf. insert), authentic DNA descendent of Confucius, should be director-general of Confucious Institrute Emeritus in another dimention,孔子学院异度空间名誉总院长) concluded by Prof. Li Ming(黎鸣) as representative-general Emeritus of "coveting your money/property by entrapping your life", 图财害命名誉总代表" and impeached by Mr. Chen...

2021-1-4 Updated- Puzzle Unravelled

A long time afterthought on why Edgar Snow, the US commi could be employed by John Leighton Stuart's Yenching Univ. once puzzled me. Currently, thanks Lord, I find insightful clues in the research article: "Ashes of American Raj in China" by Charles W. Hayford.  John Leighton's father was a steadfast faithful US missionary, a loyal servant of God in China 1.5 centuries ago, his son was city born and city bred in Hangzhou, when grown up, left for univ. study in USA for a while, turned around back to China by claiming himself also as a missionary, but he refused to follow his father's way,  i.e. unwilling to proselytize Chinese, he chose to be at least as much Chinese as American(finally his soul returns to Hangzhou)- adopting left-wing liberal policy to espouse the US commi as lecturer@Yenching  whose soul defers to Karl Marx and resists God(cf. Rom 13:1-2), that's the beginning of apostacy and un-American deep-state in 1930's and that's why communism h...

Adaptation of 2 Chron. 25:14-16

 More sequel to my blog on 7/29, 9/27-28, 10/26&29 last year: such so called "KMT" has become most powerful reinforcement like the strongest buttress wall to CCP, some former KMT member since the passing away of Chiang, Ching-kuo has proactively constituted the kernel of CCP, hence, CCP marches from victory to victory. Once upon a time, our Upper Canada was a British and French joint-venture kingdom in which the Greco-Roman culture, Christianity and rule of law dominated. In 1900, Britain-France-led joint forces successfully put the Qing Dynasty and the Boxing Uprising to rout. Unfortunatly,  the 2 Chron. 25:14-16 has been becoming a reality since Nixon and his spirit successors espousing Deng, Xiao-ping and Tao, Si-ju's most favorite(cf.   黑社会保护了邓小平让陶驷驹赞扬「黑社会也有爱国的」图 * 阿波罗新闻网 (  ;  it seems that the King Amaziah has revived that the west marches from failure to failure.    Nowadays professor like Tom Hurper, the author of "For C...