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8/26/2021--8/19/2022__Sequel to Last Blog- The Serpent does Have Evolved to a Degree Highly Advanced/Sophisticated /Complicated that.......

2022-8-19 More notes added at the end                                                                                                  2022-6-3 New Revision and Update                                                                                          With More Update on 10/18/2021 for " 2021-10-17 one paragraph inserted below"                            2021-9-8 one paragraph added in the end.              ...

Updated- 2021-8-5

2021-8-5 Update added in the end ATTENTION:More Content added to 1/22/2021 blog 2021-7-29 Evening, Update in the end   Around 7/14/2021, there happened 38 times earthquakes in Hualian(花莲,sectionalism/sectarianism leveled down by CCP-nurtured-money, cf. foregoing  ), Taiwan. My remark has been as such:"Where there is control by CCP-nurtured-money, there is tendency to show MAD under  God‘s divine wrath cup"- cf. Matt.24:7 & 37 = The Day of Lord; by the way, first several divine remedies were not enough when Moses practiced Exodus. This man on purposr did the reinforcement of de-link of PRC nationality status on Canada Day(July 1, 2020) to be"one servant under one lord" in my blog in contrast to a very manifestation wilfully engaging in perversion of Canada Day as CCP Day by special Feng-shui price(@BC Liquor store#240) during this holiday, hence in quite compliance with  China has made the CCP its religion - Taipei Times   by    Jerome Keating ...

2021-7-19 Sequel to Last Blog

7/19/2021 New Paragraph in the end 6-3-2021 supplement in the end 5/29/2021 updated 5/21/2021 updated The wilful displacement of  anti-CCP sentiment for anti-Asian's(偷换概念) tries to hush people's detestment toward CCP; it's all about CCP's bloody dirty ugly money out of lie and tyranny. What I encountered here/there should be called conspiracy/sabotage/extreme double face+deep collusion-a report from The Guardian about conspiracy #1/co-conspirator#1(Shanghai-Hongkong-Taiwan related): ; as I said in my e-mail to TD bank- I'm just one of fans toward the research of Samuel Huntington on China-Taiwan issue/democracy. The Bible tells us the Satanic Triad constituted of the red gragon, the father and anti-Christ, the son plus the false prophet, the evil spirit carrier. Cf. foregoing, Falungong refers CCP as red devil, in Bible=red dragon, the father(老子党), the common object in US tar...

Who Is Anti-Biblical? - Been Thinking About

2021-5-4 My previous blog mentioned "shortly before 911"- actually 2-3 days before 911 and only got vision; Mr. Michael Drosnin( who claims to be an atheist) got precise prediction resulting from keyboard computing according to the algorithm of Biblical code(cf. his book 《Bible Code》 series and he faxed his prediction to WH but encountered disregarding in 2001. 2021-5-2 one more paragraph added at the end. More Supplement added to the blog on 1/22/2021-2/5/2021, below also a new paragraph(4/7/2021) plus new paragraph on 4/3/2021. Supplement to my blog on 2/25/2021 added/ revised . It's said that the Divine Kamikaze(天灾人祸,天怒人怨, Mr. 陈致中 protested against 马家天下金家党 as "harming your political/economic human rights enought and enough"=吃人够够=fruit of righteousness turned into bitterness,also cf.Dr. David Reagan on Katrina) was incurred in Taiwan on 8-8-2009 due to a powerful prince of Qing Dynasty playing dragon game(cf. 9/20/2019 blog), and who is related to dragon flag...

2021-3-24 More Update

Supplement to my blog on Jan.4, 2021 added. Current situation around here and there is to force some awareness, i.e. let's do "long live Kissinger" to help Zhou, En-lai engaging in "down with Republic of China simplified as China", to the enjoyment of some former anti-commie personnel from Taiwan who vehemently confessed PRC simplified as China. Previously in 1980's authentic/genuine Communist official was in charge of  ideological affairs, no Jesus cross was eradicated under some excuse, later Pharisee/Pharaoh/Pharhai outside PRC(eg.. across Taiwan Strait) taught commie to resort to ruse/craftiness. Hence comes the eradicating cross movement. Likewise, the police-Tzar/oiler Tzar Zhou, Yong-kang dare not to erase Economic Crime Bureau in Beijing in order to eat up case No. , in the future it can be surmised that as long as some Pharisee/Pharaoh/Pharhai maneuver the Beijing situation in dexterity by claiming to copy Harper Administration, all case Nrs can be ...

Update On 2/22/2021

Update added on 2/22/2021 I recalled a Taiwanese church member once mentioned 黑水沟=treacherous black water across Taiwan Strait.  The later-day situation seems reality sans frontiere- traversing over Pacific Ocean into Indian Ocean- hence the peace and security in this region needs to be maintained(ARIA). Unfortunately there exists some unrealistic law dealing with fraud esp. designed for H.H.Kung/L.K.Kung cabel ages ago to evade felony as to being minor crime in Republic of China, from which swindlers from PRC have learned/absorbed quite well- it seems lie is not corruption, not tyrrany in contrast to Jesus Christ expression: devil, no truth, abomination to God, father of lie; otherwise that government couldn't be toppled down three-score and a dozen years ago (Mao also took advantage of it according to the selfish design); nowadays, absorbing advanced reign groove derived from H.H.Kung/L.K.Kung belonging to Pharisee/Pharaoh/Ph(F)ahai(including the most insidious, ferocious, diabol...

2021-1-22 ext. to 2021-7-30 More Content

2021-7-30 Update in the end 2021-5-23 more revision 2021-2-5 Update   Although the "great leader" Chairman Mao presented a quite famous satirical article"Farewell, Mr. John Leighton Stuart" in 1949, it seems another authentic genuine incarnation of Edar Snow has stood up in USA- a Ms. Anita Dunn who has been showing a passion for Mao, let's help her engage in more adoration of Mao: firstly, the Wu Lin Square in Hangzhou where Mr. Stuart lived(now chosen for him to be buried) should be restored as Red Sun(Mao's alias) Square- it's called"the fiercing storm of the Proletarian Cultural Revolution can shake every continent/ocean in that red scorching/flaming era“ (五洲四海风雷激荡之火红年代);  secondly, let Red Guard(红卫兵)plus quasi-organization(红总司、工总司)receive vindication- to do "redress, remedy, reparation"- to cite UN slogan(for the regret of history that opportunity didn't favor the would-be Shanghai workers millitia uprising)  - esp. to honor Wang,...

2021-1-17 Update(Cosmically Speaking)- If Only

2021-1-17 Update Please choose not being prone to selective omission of some other dimensions in a matter in order to reflect spiritual wholeness and allow others help those encompass/enjoy all connotation/denotation regarding that paticular thing(somthing called single-out). Once upon a time, Ms. Chai, Ling, a prominent  Tian-an-men Square student leader, yelled out a cry:"Down with Fascist" against a cabel led by Deng, Xiao-ping and Li, Peng which has been merging with another cabel led by H. H. Kung/L.K. Kung- cosmic relay and/or cosmic interplay. __________________________________________________ If only this infamous H. H. Kung(孔祥熙, admirior of Hitler(cf. insert), authentic DNA descendent of Confucius, should be director-general of Confucious Institrute Emeritus in another dimention,孔子学院异度空间名誉总院长) concluded by Prof. Li Ming(黎鸣) as representative-general Emeritus of "coveting your money/property by entrapping your life", 图财害命名誉总代表" and impeached by Mr. Chen...

2021-1-4 Updated- Puzzle Unravelled

A long time afterthought on why Edgar Snow, the US commi could be employed by John Leighton Stuart's Yenching Univ. once puzzled me. Currently, thanks Lord, I find insightful clues in the research article: "Ashes of American Raj in China" by Charles W. Hayford.  John Leighton's father was a steadfast faithful US missionary, a loyal servant of God in China 1.5 centuries ago, his son was city born and city bred in Hangzhou, when grown up, left for univ. study in USA for a while, turned around back to China by claiming himself also as a missionary, but he refused to follow his father's way,  i.e. unwilling to proselytize Chinese, he chose to be at least as much Chinese as American(finally his soul returns to Hangzhou)- adopting left-wing liberal policy to espouse the US commi as lecturer@Yenching  whose soul defers to Karl Marx and resists God(cf. Rom 13:1-2), that's the beginning of apostacy and un-American deep-state in 1930's and that's why communism h...

Adaptation of 2 Chron. 25:14-16

 More sequel to my blog on 7/29, 9/27-28, 10/26&29 last year: such so called "KMT" has become most powerful reinforcement like the strongest buttress wall to CCP, some former KMT member since the passing away of Chiang, Ching-kuo has proactively constituted the kernel of CCP, hence, CCP marches from victory to victory. Once upon a time, our Upper Canada was a British and French joint-venture kingdom in which the Greco-Roman culture, Christianity and rule of law dominated. In 1900, Britain-France-led joint forces successfully put the Qing Dynasty and the Boxing Uprising to rout. Unfortunatly,  the 2 Chron. 25:14-16 has been becoming a reality since Nixon and his spirit successors espousing Deng, Xiao-ping and Tao, Si-ju's most favorite(cf.   黑社会保护了邓小平让陶驷驹赞扬「黑社会也有爱国的」图 * 阿波罗新闻网 (  ;  it seems that the King Amaziah has revived that the west marches from failure to failure.    Nowadays professor like Tom Hurper, the author of "For C...