2020-5-22 What's more critical: the assistant Mgr. for the frontline agent Mr. Ivan Luy who phoned(604-668-2150) me on May 12, 2020 and acted on behalf of Scotia Ombudsman who forwarded my complaint to him. He was briefed for over 45+ min. by me over the phone and everything was elucidated clearly- never expecting the response from from Scotia Ombudsman Office becomes so out-of-situation. 2020-5-22 Update for having not enough evidence. What Mr. Lee, Zung-woo, Bo Yang(李宗吾, 柏杨 ) described =what Mr. Kevin Steel described=deliberately/maliciously forge e-mail without case Nr,=my satirical word as their tonic water/cushion=world-upside-down style recognition=a BNS397 managed by a Mr. Love engaging in game playing game change paradigm change on behalf of foreign interest/government=Chaves style-lend money to him, long live China, asking money back, an elongated grim face- mutual learning? There happen to be some articles by BBC and FOX describing Italy situation and commentin...