Update for previous 2019-1-10 blog added More Update 2019-1-14 Update 2019-1-13 Before 1989 the commi regime's Mao and esp. Deng seemed to have some kind of willingness to accept the condescending from Nixon-Kissinger and Carter whose attraction/power originated from the still-substantial Christianity strength from Plato to Nato countries plus Greco-Roman culture still popular then in USA(c.f. Dr. David Reagan DVD presentation for 2017 Bible Conference , it's classified as sub-culture period(1968-1988) for Christianity). What is easy to forget in the world is President Ronald Reagan's admonition that have been verified that from freedom to the bondage by Satan/red dragon the span indeed only costed less than one generation: there is Dr. David Reagan's painful admonition that America is facing the end of Judah and greater Babylon is occurring(c.f. 2018 Bible Conference) -- in my opinion it's all about the consequence the more bloody, dirty ugly money from lie...