Some memo can be shared here when I lived in Southern California: in reference to "The World Is Upside Down" blog, some original remark was made in a business office of David Ma where I needed to deal with some legal document and where I met U-er-Kai-xi, the famous Tian-An-Men square student leader who was denied asylum visa because of the French asylum he got, I made some comment:"the more money Chinese corrupt officials grab, the greater extent they are welcome". As for the update of Chinese idiom(see 4/20/14 blog), the rendition of "regarding deer as horse deliberately" is followed by "Distribution of condensed cloud, deep and gloomy, is done by Xing-yun". Since the lawless is coming, the ordinance of justice and heaven and earth( see part 5&6) should be reinforced, please read James Bascom's blog:"Fostering an Organic Society: The Existence of Natural Laws" posted on May 11, 2014. I read an article in ((The Weekend Jou...