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Showing posts from July, 2014

Mind Freedom notes--Part Seven

Some memo can be shared here when I lived in Southern California: in reference to "The World Is Upside Down" blog, some original remark was made in a business office of David Ma where I needed to deal with some legal document and where I met U-er-Kai-xi, the famous Tian-An-Men square student leader who was denied asylum visa because of the French asylum he got, I made some comment:"the more money Chinese corrupt officials grab, the greater extent they are welcome". As for the update of Chinese idiom(see 4/20/14 blog), the rendition of "regarding deer as horse deliberately" is followed by "Distribution of condensed cloud, deep and gloomy, is done by Xing-yun".  Since the lawless is coming, the ordinance of justice and heaven and earth( see part 5&6) should be reinforced, please read James Bascom's blog:"Fostering an Organic Society: The Existence of Natural Laws" posted on May 11, 2014. I read an article in ((The Weekend Jou...

More Supplement to Last Blog

According to Ding Dong the Confucius Institutes are infiltrating the world unilaterally ( ), while the suggestion of Plato-Tocqueville Institute I mentioned two years ago can be blocked forever.  Mr.Hugo Liu's blogs criticizing idolatry(in my  May 2, 2014 blog) comment on the multiculturalism that it is taken advantaged of by the insidious. Claiming to be like the son of  "great leader" Chairman Mao plus in connection with Tokyo cult and Nazi can appear to be multiculturalism.( see and --originally from Germany's ((Focus))  weekly Magazine@ issue38, 1995 and Germany's ((Superstar)) weekly Magazine on  May 28, 1997 issue). My life has been destroyed by black-box and black-hole operation under multiculturalism, the Decalogue can't be attached to wall in the...

Supplement to My Last Blog

What Prof.Qin, Hui of Tsing(Qing) Hua Univ. emphasised is the civilization bottom-line with regard to 18th century capitalism over 21st century's.(see my June 5, 2014 blog). According to Bible, I need to copy my gene naturally(A California clinical Bio-pharmaceutical company discontinued stem-cell clinical trial due to lack of fund). What Rev.Frank Viola mentioned "borrowing" is disregarded by some church pastor(I could have the opportunity to sponsor that California company). Besides government authorized such "borrowing". What's more, in an area where Confuciusism and Buddhism are popular, in deference to parents and fore-parents I need to have offspring.   No offspring means paying no tribute to fore-parents and is the most disrespectful. The pressure of multi-culturalism is so tremendous.

Mind Freedom Notes--Part Six

The force of game playing and force of containment engaged more ugly activities. Under what kind of political and religious spectrum? The oriental despotism and occultism have engulfed Canada. This afternoon the insidious disabling of Shaw's DHCP server function serving to my terminal caused me to phone 604-629-4000 @3:05pm Pacific Time, the first agent directed this call to some tech support in Winnipeg where an agent called Jan who refused to provide me his agent number again told me my account was cancelled. In the new digital age, manipulation by rogue element is easy. The famous Chinese sayings: "a real gentleman has no party affiliation" and "leadership through spiritual ascendancy" appear in the general textbook in China,  cited as from Confucius.  In fact Confucius copied the Lao-tze(zi) narration, but due to the fading power of Taoism under the government penchant for Confuciusism and Buddhism in the history of Chin...