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Showing posts from March, 2014

What's Failed

According to Prof. Sun, Li-ping of Tsing(Qing)Hua Univ., the "reform " in China sounds like "No enough success but failure is excessive"( ), he further probes the right pathway of reform in the coming years--in essence it's called"justice as fairness"( ). For example, "How 1% in China exploit and plunder 99% of the Population" by Zeng Fei( ) in the Spring of China. From the case of headmonk mentioned in my Mar.2, 2014 blog, the special privilege enjoyed by them is the tax exemption, hence the super-Brahmin(like in the India's caste-Varnas system)class is formed in today's China, here another corroboration can be presented: . By the way, the detailed description of mind control by Mr.Wang, Yan mentioned in my Feb.26, 2014 bl...

Notes on Last two blogs

In this reality Sans Frontieres, my raised fund probably is prepared for the glorification of the impostors--that is to say, I was born for his or her sin; I'll die for his or her sin--that I should follow Jesus Christ--"I'm who I'm". ***P.P.S.***: By the way,  pastors always speak so:"This is Jesus blood, please drink it. This is jesus flesh, please eat it" in the Holy Communion.

Supplement to Last Blog

What Mao self-proclaimed "lawless" refers to his will to "down with bourgeois' entitlement legal rights" during the "proletarian cultural revolution". I've reiterated several times that I'm deprived of the freedom to enjoy entitlement rights of my raised fund described by Cato Institute scholars(Please read "Realizing Freedom" in Cato's Letter, Spring 2010, Volume 8: Number 2, online free PDF download). That's why my parent can't be granted TRV visiting visa. Another persecution-maniac case due to rights defending in the workplace should be added here: , also for fighting against mental torture by squeezing survival room. I once heard that a couple of Taiwanese pastors spoke:"Taiwan is a Buddhism country". The advancement in China observed is from a once atheism country(Mao prohibited religion) to Buddhism theism one(Buddhist is highly respected i...