According to Prof. Sun, Li-ping of Tsing(Qing)Hua Univ., the "reform " in China sounds like "No enough success but failure is excessive"( ), he further probes the right pathway of reform in the coming years--in essence it's called"justice as fairness"( ). For example, "How 1% in China exploit and plunder 99% of the Population" by Zeng Fei( ) in the Spring of China. From the case of headmonk mentioned in my Mar.2, 2014 blog, the special privilege enjoyed by them is the tax exemption, hence the super-Brahmin(like in the India's caste-Varnas system)class is formed in today's China, here another corroboration can be presented: . By the way, the detailed description of mind control by Mr.Wang, Yan mentioned in my Feb.26, 2014 bl...