Last year I once mentioned my father's cell phone number was hijacked into an area code(647-727-0241) supposed to be Dr.Norman Bethune's homeland.(See my Mar. 7, 2012 blog). As the founder of Institute of Geriatrics of Beijing's Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in Hangzhou in the early period of 1980's during which his patient included Politi-bureau member from Beijing and Lt. Admiral from Taiwan(My father resumed to be late president Chiang, Ching-kuo's personnel at that time), he has no willing to take advantage of such relation to climb bureaucratic echelon and is not expert at flattery, not yet a communist member. According to Geneva Convention, even Prisoner of War(POW) should be well-treated. As a member of Mind-Freedom International, I presented the psychiatric abuse case to United Nation last year. It's encouraging to see ((Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment)) in the 22nd session of Human ...