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Showing posts from 2013

Conspiracy Theory

Lucifer, a self-proclaimed illuminating angel, disguises itself as Messiah, like Xenu coming, actually a king of injustice behaving like Fahai monk and Pharaoh,  fighting against Jesus Christ. That anti-humanity things happen to me is related to the destruction of faith by anti-Christ. My neuro-hacker theory can be ascribed to evil Fahai(Pharaoh) monks sphere intrusion, a part of cosmic  invisible or visible warfare elucidated by many pastors. Fahai(Pharaoh) monks' spiritual channeling  amounts to ((Matrix)) game or(( iSpy)) game via Lucifer's or the archangel's great ability ; if senile sphere carried by them imposes upon anyone( or sphere intrusion, descending or shrouding), he becomes sluggish. Further sluggish schizophrenia can be diagnosed according to former USSR standard, which ironically caters for the stagnant period of Brezhnev era. if so, he is vulnerable to the scam by fraudsters. What's more, one can deduce that fraudsters can play concerted game under Lu...

On Social Trust: More In-Depth Analysis of Some Anomalies--Part Two

The Satan often disguises itself as being in the Eden, so it's disciple can claim living in its paradise pretended to be no right or wrong, no good or evil, so free from any responsibility such as identity theft. Derived from Prof. Sun, Li-ping of Qing(Tsing)Hua University, anomalies presented is called "Government-authorized Mexican peasant style cunning". More anomalies has to be displayed as followings: I filed complaint against the police-nurse Edward(there is nurse in Hospital of Police Force in China) at Patient Care Quality Office of Fraser Health authority. The case number is still pending. I was told by a lady called Leona from 604-466-7977 on Oct.10, 2012@4:05pm Pacific time that I could receive their decision within 45 days. I 've commented Ft. Hood incident in Dec. 2009 in my blog. Using psychiatric labeling to cover conspiracies does more harm than good. Currently one of my incoming wiring(CAD) is not manifested while another small mount(USD)can con...

On Social Trust: More In-depth Analysis of Some Anomalies

The prescription of Dr.Francis Fukuyama(See Nov.10, 2013 blog) should be reinforced as we still remember the bankruptcy of BC Social Credit Party in the 1980's. To my disappointment, after the notification of some  revision to Canada Post Ombudsman Francine Conn(See Nov.10, 2013 blog), no apology has been received so far. In my June 16, 2013 blog, the CCTS case presented also appears to be negative response--refusing my request for Telus Mobility to make an apology.  It seems bamboo curtain is draped--the concept was presented by Churchill , in another word, I'm shanghaied, bamboozled, which was used by Englishman almost 100 years ago. What Mr.Bo Yang of Taiwan criticised most is "never recognizing mistake". To quote Prof.Sun, Li-ping:"government authorized evil-doing". For whom the bells tolls? The bell tolls for rule of law and the Greco-Roman culture, Christianity. Furthermore, Lie and tyranny will march on abreast and in a...

Pondering Over Geneva Convention--Part Three

First of all, let me make some relevant narration again dancing to the tune of Ms.Lung, Ying-tai's ((1949: Turmoil)): Invited, my grand-parents didn't choose to board the "Chiang, Kai-shek" battleship mooring at the convergence of Yangtze River outlet into the East China Sea while retreating to Taiwan in 1949. Hence the situation of 5th Symphony of Beethoven. It has been singing for over half a century. As the victim of recurring symptom of a series of historical events described previously, I'll follow the maxim "You shall seek the truth and the truth will free you". After the Cultural Revolution in which the deprivation of property ownership by lawless forces persisted, some tenant who didn't pay rent asked my grandma for a condo suite to use, she repaid her kindness for their default--a good Samaritan according to Jesus"ask, give". More insidious and out-of-ulterior-motivation anomalies should be pointed out: th...

Pondering Over Geneva Convention--Part Two

Anomaly but insidious things converged on Oct. 25, 2013 when Bo, xi-lai was convicted of corruption and life sentence would be served. That day I received notice from Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP written by Ian McPhail who denies my complaint, his response ignores my materials such as faxed on June 17, 2013 @14:10 Pacific time and on July 8, 2013 @10:50am Pacific time and denies the nature and truth of my 911 call in which I tried to report scam or fraud and phone signal disruption instead of computer hacking, I wonder if he reviewed my above mentioned fax letter(regarding 778-395-7399 QR code under the name of Van Phan, see my last year's summer blog).   Another two things manifests as: BBB and Health Professional Review Board(HPRB) made that day as deadline for my response. Regarding me as Bo? Or representing Bo to revenge for him? Insidious!!! As for HPRB's decision, I used to receive their correspondence from ...

On the Human Future--Discusing With Mr.Frank S. Robinson

According to Mr.Robinson human can transfer consciousness to external memory like computer transferring files in the future for immortality(humanity 2.0, 3.0, etc like clone being, robot, biobot or    android, See Humanist, July/August issue, 2013) . In case such technique is to be invented, I suppose it must be wireless imbedded or wearable device on the human who should transfer mental wave to it in real time beginning at the time of the formation of fetus central nerve system without interruption. What is worse, evil hacker can manipulate the memory by deleting or replacing it--ruin everything, then it's called singularity. What's the meaning for the state of being? If so, the evil presides over the world by controlling humanity and mankind through silicon chips. Last year I presented the concept of neural hacker regarding spiritual warfare(See my 4/29/12 blog), right now I suppose neural hacker may involve bio-info-energy mass in the realm of quantum chemical, biological a...

Request Prayer

I suppose you still remember my blog on 9/23-10/10/12, things developed later look like foul play in concerted action. Somehow I was charged for the usage of Telus internet service and an account was established:                  601435778 3 without being aware of the fact that  I've never fetched the Telus package(modem) which was just left there(St.Helen's Postal Outlet). After protest through their 611customer service, their agent had to recognize the mistake. Currently a package(Bar Code 089036 494 788 330) was re-directly correctly to Central City Mall postal outlet on 5/21/13, but two days later another package(Bar Code 100578 486 914 083) for me to complain against human rights abuse was re-directly to St.Helen's Postal Outlet, it's insidious and out of ulterior motivation to instal hurdle and incur hardship repeatedly. On June 3, 2013 I had to file complaint via Fax regarding the same Canad...

Pondering Over the Geneva Convention

Last year I once mentioned my father's cell phone number was hijacked into an area code(647-727-0241) supposed to be Dr.Norman Bethune's homeland.(See my Mar. 7, 2012 blog). As the founder of Institute of Geriatrics of Beijing's Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in Hangzhou in the early period of 1980's during which his patient included Politi-bureau member from Beijing and Lt. Admiral from Taiwan(My father resumed to be late president Chiang, Ching-kuo's personnel at that time),  he has no willing to take advantage of such relation to climb bureaucratic echelon and is not expert at flattery, not yet a communist member.  According to Geneva Convention, even Prisoner of War(POW) should be well-treated. As a member of Mind-Freedom International, I presented the psychiatric abuse case to United Nation last year. It's encouraging to see ((Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment)) in the 22nd session of Human ...

Further Explanation

 My father was hijacked by Mao's policy. The Stockholm syndrome is the result of forced inculcation of Mao's article ((In Memory of Dr.Norman Bethune)). A high society member became a ghetto member in the village of metropolitan area--hence farmer like thinking. There happened a story of a farmer and a snake in the Iso's Fable. The farmer has to carry the cross for the snake. The trouble-maker, impostor, personnel of money encroachment and rogue element within hope me to become a severe patient of Qing dynasty Gong, Zi-zhen's portrait in the ((A Narration on Chinese May Flower's Sick Leaf)) too. Endangered species red list member falls prey to the black list of communist regime.

Supplement to Last Blog

The incident of Qingdao University indicates peasant style cunning riding with scoundrel movement presides over the society, i.e. lower level civilization trumps higher level civilization. Mao, Ze-dong especially appreciate this kind of scoundrel movement revealed in his famous investigation report when he was in Hunan province during 1920's. By the way, my mother was a retired physician in the 1980's and was not eligible to to pay tax(never received a tax slip from payroll office, hence no tax record). Demanding tax record(so far, no estate inheritance tax in China), Hangzhou Foreign Currency Exchange authority won't let me convert a penny she left over me, which is a kind of alternative plundering. According to Global Financial Integrity 600 billion USD crosses border from China in 2011 and 1 trillion USD in 2012 practices exodus from China, I bet they are all legal money.

Why Tribulation descended--Part Six

The picture of petition through kneeling down of professors and staffs from Qingdao university in front of Qingdao city government square taken 10 days ago indicates the miserable status of intelligentsia in China(please check out: ).  In a normal country such dispute and violation of rights can be resolved through lawsuit and court injunction--99% normal distribution in a bell curve. The symbolical significance of lawless things can be summarized as followings: A. mirror image of medieval dark age; B. rule of man is restive; C. humanity development index is 99% below standard--it's a bondage status in a authoritarian and totalitarian system; D. government inaction or government authorized crime described by prof.Sun, Li-ping in my last blog. I came across an article"Heirs of Mao's Comrades Rise as New Capitalist Nobility" published in Bloomberg on Dec.27, 2012. The first 30 years rule under ...