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Showing posts from 2012

Why Tribulation Descended--Part Five

I suppose Mr.Cao, hai-bo's mishap(last blog) is believing spreading democracy can count on Mah, Ying-jeou--applying late presidents Mr.Chiang Sr. & Jr's national kernel policy discarded by Mah to change Chinese communist regime, i.e. using Republic of China(in Taiwan) founder's legacy theory to overwrite Marxism, Leninism and Mao Ze-dong thought in the Constitution of People's Republic of China. Pan-blue campus in mainland China can learn some lessons. When communist regime marches from victory to victory, reality becomes sans frontiere--professional ethics gone with the wind.(see my Nov. 1, 2012 blog).  I filed complaint with Better Business Bureau of Central and Northern Alberta regarding the Brick delivery malfeasance(case opened 10/31/12, case#: 1646311). To my surprise the link e-mailed by BBB on Nov.19, 2012 disappeared mysteriously(in the digital world manipulation is easy), in which the deadline to respond by the Brick was ...

Why Tribulation Descended--Part four

I suppose Ms.Wang, Chao-hua and Mr.Lee(see Oct.23, 2012 blog) must know the last scenario of Dr.Samuel Huntington(last blog) that in case of conflict with United States Taiwan's fleet would join communist fleet of China to fight United States, other pro-democracy activists may also know it. An example of such concerted action to block fighting communist is the persecution toward Mr.Cao, Hai-bo by communist regime who is a KMT spiritual member promoting the founders' legacy of Republic of China(currently in Taiwan) plus the backlash policy toward democracy by Mah,Ying-jeou who is dubbed as " Chinese Communist Party's secretary general of Taiwan province" by 120 rights activists in mainland China in an open letter to him, please check out the letter link at  . I think Mr.Cao is hopeless considering such adverse situation. In my opinion it's called there is no bona fide to resolve the the prob...

Why Tribulation Descended--Part Three

One of recent cases regarding Taiwan's mass military officers defecting to communist regime in China( please check out ) indicates Dr.Samuel Huntington is indeed visionary considering the last scenario he wrote in his book: ((The Clash of Civilization and the Remaking of the World Order)),  which is the lamentation of the free world. It's evident that tribulation descends upon me after communist regime presides over the world.

Why Tribulation Descended--Part Two

I wonder if I lived in some undeveloped country without six apps emphasized by Dr.Niall Ferguson--professional ethics gone with the wind. It's regarding the Brick sales order/invoice No.102122S1022001, delivery date: 23-OCT-2012. Their deliverymen refused to fulfill the obligation to take away the old mattress and box spring which already had been wrapped-up in the plastics as is stated in their sales order/invoice and they checked the old stuff on the spot in my room without any question. They need to be borne in mind that everything should be in compliance with their delivery policy printed on the reverse side of the Brick invoice. American would say "Mexican peasant style cunning". Of course it needs to be discarded costly. A mirror image can be found in China at   --indicating society degradation in full brown scale. Another thing is the sabotage of my intercom--enterphone. Several months ago it worked when A...

Why Tribulation Descended

When the last words of Lu Xun and Chiang, Kai-shek tell the world respectively: "Don't believe in what is promised to you" and "Never trust Communist", they become consistent although their ideology appeared to be oxymoron previously. It's not surprising to read Ms.Wang, Chao-hua(a famous pro-democracy leader during "June 4" period)'s article"Taiwan's politics in compliance with Hongkong's" in Hongkong magazine Trend(Same website with, Issue No.326 of October, 2012), which sadly reflects what Mr.Lee(owner of the NEXT magazine in Hongkong) commented:"there is no blue sky, no shining sun, only dominated is the landslide red-color"(we got Bo, Xi-lai who tries to renew communist ideology, red army and red regime etc.). If you read the blog  regarding five CBSA officers drunk with Chinese...


I posted a series of  P.P.S.(9/11, 9/16, 9/23.) in my last blog. Thank you for your attention. @PROTEST!!!=====***HARDSHIP AGAIN***(10/2/12) @P.P.S.==10/10/12 The hard time incurred by Canada Post is recurring(Please refer to my blog on 5/24/12 &5/31/12) regarding recent package delivery(bar code#: 100578 458 923 001) for which I was asked to pick up at St.Helen's postal outlet again. I suppose I'm marooned in the hand of Kevin-Steel-described-object. There exists tribulation arisen from reverse persecution toward my political and religious belief system, i.e. the core value of Western & American civilization elucidated by Samuel Huntington, David Gress, Niall Ferguson and Newt Gingrich. It seems the core value becomes dissidence here. By the way, the Canada Post Ombudsman file No.27646 was generated on 5/28/12 and 1st & 2nd service ticket file No#: 103720481 & 103740790 were recorded respectively. According to Ch...

Supplement to the Affidavit

With regard to human rights violation, I forgot to mention in my last blog that I was hand-cuffed for several hours even in the Surrey Memorial Hospital on 8/21/12. Let's revisit what Martin Luther King expressed about justice--that one person suffers from injustice in this world equals the entire humanity is afflicted and the salvation of the world lies in the hand of the creatively maladjusted. Can Edward etc. revisit the blog I wrote on Nov.7, 2009 titled"About Faith and Face" of which I mentioned Nov.5 shooting rampage? If our society's evolution of civilization approaches oriental despotism, to speak on behalf of Kevin Steel(author of "Puppet of Beijing"), then let's tune in some inharmonious voice emitted by some political dissident such as Mr.Hao, Dong-sheng who meticulously wrote an in-depth analysis on China's reality in the realm of social hierarchy at . I feel it's like an alterna...

Affidavit--Part 2

This affidavit is the sequel to that of 6/8/08. It's shocking to believe that such ridiculous thing can happen in our society--western civilization and democracy. Due to the bothering of my 911 call on 8/20/12 at 8:15pm, a Surrey RCMP came in and checked my interrupted Shaw digital signal which resumed when he arrived and my Shaw e-mail larceny problem without leaving any question. Considering my Shaw phone number's hijacking,I think digital signal's cutting off imposed a security risk to my residence(when each discarded number tries to enter the market, it must first be suspended for half a year, also see my 2/1/12 and 6/13/12 blogs and my August blogs). So arrived the car 67(police-psychiatric team) with unthinkable approach the next day while I never called any police number. As an outspoken political dissident, I'm treated like my counterpart such as Ai, Wei-wei & Chen, Guang-cheng fighting against Communist regime. The "fait accompli" made by them i...

New Labyrinth--More Update

When I was marshaling old files today, a piece of entrance pass left there attracted my eye, it was "Dinner with Wei Jing-sheng" coordinated by" Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement" and dated on Feb. 17, 1998 beginning at 6:30pm(3469 Fraser St., Vancouver, BC, Flamingo Restaurant, refer to my Dec.5, 2011 blog and my affidavit on June 8, 2008). Note: Currently it's called Fraser Court Seafood Restaurant, also can be said from Red Crane to Red Sun--to be translated directly from Chinese. I can't help but pondering over the current situation that my repeatedly hard time is due to my outspoken dissidence. Something I need to clarify that after e-mail communication with Axis I found their letter demanding pre-authorized form was not expressed explicitly causing some misunderstanding that once July check is received, automatic deduction will resume. My July payment has been in their account receivable since Aug.1. Actually the manager is the...

New Labyrinth--Update

I found more surprising things--after I presented my ISP Shaw's case to last night, this morning at 6:57am I presented update regarding their Tech support Parm 3699 who pronounced as two kinds of accent while phoning them through 604-629-3000 for a 26 minutes talk on Aug.5, 2012 at 9:11am, their automatic response e-mail was missing. Emperor's new clothing appears again.(last night had response, also refer to Dec.27, 2011 blog). E-mail larceny belongs to a part of kleptocracy(to quote John Hempton, 6/23/12 blog). Organized crime is also controlling regarding my WebTips Code number W250-3651 and W407-10070 about Shaw Cable's case--their password can't work for update in their web site. *P*.*P*.*S*==== Again, the Axis Strata Management. I didn't get asking price in their letter until 7/18/12. To my surprise, a $50 late payment is charged for the July management. That translates into 300% interest rate for the default mortgage, which is...

New Labyrinth

After contacting Shaw Internet tech support, I found my hijacked e-mail account remained a riddle, i.e. I was asked to use Shaw's eBill service from their e-Invoice on Sep.10, 2008, at 5:14pm when I was no longer with Shaw because I switched to Telus around the autumn of 2007 although I switched back to Shaw after three years contract with Telus. The suspicious things are my previous sent box e-mails are missing and what is remained in my inbox is only the mails dated from the Shaw's e-Invoice on 9/10/08(somewhat selective leftover(only consumed 1% storage space) for several months, some newsletter I subscribed previously(not Shaw's) resumed yesterday after I contacted Shaw's tech support Parm 3699 on 8/5/12 at 9:11am and James 7214 on 8/7/12) How Strange!!! What is more strange, I chatted with James7214 beginning at 13:07:05 and the chat log I received in my Shaw e-mail account indicates beginning 7 hours later but without my initial question I especially requested a...

About Face and Faith--Part Two

It's reported that the London Olympics' host only spends 27 million pound for the opening ceremony in contrast to Beijing's multiplying 300 times for the 2008 game in which China gained No.1 gold medal, which reminds me of the former communist East Germany's prominent status in Olympics especially in water sports. Dictators always hijack national resources to engineer face project to manifest axis of pretense, causing people to suffer, i.e. the crime of extra-large government. The Confucius worship represents axis of hypocrisy(pretense) and the Maoism represents axis of evil, both constitute the tyranny of utopia--dehumanization in the name of fictitious kingdom by infinite fantasy. As a matter of fact, the moral decaying mentioned in my 6/23/12 blog can be further summarized by 12 points in the following link: . In a word, Louis XIV's "let it be deluged" is being materialized due to Mao's cadaver lyi...

Been Thinking About--Extra

Michael Reagan points out "when government invades our property rights, it's only a small step toward invading every other right we have" in his new book ((The New Reagan Revolution--How Ronald Reagan's Principles Can Restore America's Greatness))". The Children of Light and the Children of darkness in the Free World and Evil Empire clash in an eternal duel. President Reagan thinks the materialistic philosophy of communist puts no absolute value on truth and can exculpate them from any charge because their self-righteous purposes always justify any means. When the landscape of civilization and political spectrum shift toward Beijing's, revisiting John Finnis' ((Natural Law and Natural Rights)) (2011, Oxford University Press) can reinforce my conviction that there are laws of nature-- "ordinances of heaven and earth"(Jeremiah 33:25) and reviewing Robert Nozick's((Anachy, State and Utopia, Chapter 7)) should further remind us the entit...

Been Thinking About--Part Three

"The great leader " Mao, Ze-dong teaches Chinese people:"The social-imperialism is the most dangerous enemy". In 1977 Beijing's People's Daily Op-Ed page presented such title" Satellites Ascend to Heaven While Soviet People Suffer", meaning "Falsehood, Mammoth, Emptiness". With regard to the quasi-Leonid-Brezhnev rule in China(See "The irony of history", 3/24/12 blog), Mr.Yu, Jie expressed pessimism while interviewing with Deutsch Welle: The Hu-Wen regime may lose last chance to engage peaceful transition in China.( ). We are tired of the lip service paid by Wen, Jia-bao who behaves like an outstanding super-star as is described in a book by Yu, Jie. To the pity of Dr.Joseph Nye,Jr. of Harvard, the under-qualification made up by Prof. Peter Nolan for some red princelings including Wen's daughter and money laundering plus mysterious donation in Cambridge Univers...

How to Face Backlash--Part Three

It's reported that the quality of Miss Hongkong appears to be less and less satisfied as time goes by. From the visual point of view the natural body curve tends to be less and less agreeable. It's a subject of development biology regarding the fact that more and more food supply from China pops up in Hongkong market 15 years in the wake of the British handover. As you know, you are what you eat. More evidences to indicate omni-present toxic food in China showed up at . The trodden moral ethics mentioned in part 1 and the fact here prove the incumbent CCP(CPC) is scrambling for survive in whatever means regardless of ordinary people's wellbeing. In the broader perspective, the current reality of government inaction can be ascribed to the fact that "red-colored gold politics" and "black-colored gold politics" have been integrated together, which can be corroborated by the Bo, Xi-lai corruption inci...

How to Face Backlash--Part Two

In the "Dictator's Learning Curve"(See June 23, 2012 blog) the axis of pretense can be described by a Chinese idiom--"the speech is always full of mercy and ethics, the mind is always imbued with kleptocracy and prostitution" and recent advancement seems to be "see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil" to maintain stability in authoritarian society. Take for example, in my 6/23/12 blog you can find disguising as right wing can coax and hoax ordinary people to feel it's more free market-oriented without welfare while high-ranking officials possess bountiful welfare. The axis of evil can be illustrated in detail by Ms.He, Qing-lian at . Confronted by such reality I suppose frustration is realistic to apply Gene Sharp's approach developed in the Albert Einstein Institution. Lee, Zung-wu, a writer in the early 20th century, depicted "Unscrupulousness and Cruelty"(See Googl...

Enough is Enough

Regarding Bell Canada overcharging case I mentioned last November and December in my blog--BBB case#: 1242278 at Western and Central Ontario Chapter and Federal CCTS(Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services) incident#: 02-01-00-00179945. I suppose the game is over half a year later. Won't it be that CCTS has forgotten to inform me or Bell Canada? Much to my amazement, I received a collection letter today from MetCredit(acct#: 518154683, located at 430-475 W. Georgia St. Vancouver, BC V6B 4M9) to extort me. Nevertheless previous colllection agency was CCA in Winnipeg(Ref#: N76092) on behalf of Bell Canada. Thank you for your attention.

How to Face Backlash

I once suggested to revise the Northwestern University textbook's diagram regarding the regime classification in my May, 29, 2011 blog. Fortunately a book ((The Dictator's Learning Curve:Inside the Global Battle for Democracy)) written by William Dobson sheds light on the 4th wave of democratization to cope with sophisticated dictators who can amass more human power and state fortune. According to author the dictator's matrix is composed of axis of evil and axis of pretense, which is a more appropriate depiction to present true reflection of reality. In my opinion the CCP(CPC)'s learning curve is from "50 cents" guys whose origins are narrated by Liu, Shu-lin at (vest-interest communist(esp.F-1 or J-1 visa holders sponsored by communist regime enjoyed political asylum due to Tian-an-men square massacre on June 4, 1989) who obtained permanent resident visa overseas). I wonder if Mr.Xie, Xuan-jun belongs...

Extrapolation From Li, Wang-yang Incident

While P.P.S. is attached in last blog, something suspicious has to be exposed: I suppose you remember my Feb, 1, 2012 blog regarding my fax number from Shaw Digital. Currently I must point out that I phoned 911 at 8:15pm after I found this line was disconnected on Feb, 6, 2012. Later two policemen came in, I made some briefing to them, when I mentioned the QR code in the web page I downloaded, they immediately made an excuse(Telus 310-2255 soliciting broke in on purpose at 8:45pm) to leave. How strange! At 8:45pm! Ladies and Gentlemen, when I searched the web to find out the abnormality of my fax number, it already had been in service in my place for six months. What is more important, I just found that two persons named Van Phan were listed in another public database(one is in Surrey but with another phone number, another is in Vancouver , which has existed since 2008). So swindling with decoy and distraction. More strange things are there. My condo management was just switched from P...

News Analysis--Part Two

When the truth appears to be alarming, tolerance becomes a replacement noun for perversion. The overdraft of earth resources and non-sustainable development in China mentioned in my blog on Apr.7, 2012 have been corroborated with an investigative news report at . Again poisoned air, poisoned water and poisoned soil left over by chemical industry present a gruesome picture in front us plus there exists a toxic pharmaceutical industry(refer to my blog on Apr.23, 2012) and the abuse of pesticide and fertilizer in the production of carbohydrates and illegal using antibiotics and hormone in the production of animal proteins and toxic food additives such as tricyanoamine in powered milk, DIDP and DEHP etc. have been popular in China and Taiwan(mainly plasticizers). In fact smog, food supply from across Taiwan strait have crossed over Pacific Ocean. Naturally it must be apprehensive for the irrigation of pollutants(mostly carcinogen) ...

Supplement to Labyrinth Update--Part 2

After five weeks of ordering David Jeremiah's book which turned out to be the package mentioned one week ago, so much hardtime is worth pondering: On May 28 a lady from Ottawa's postal care team sealed the solution with me after complaining online to Ombudsman, the next day some gentleman called Pat from the main office of Surrey told me he was safe to reach there. Of course he is safe because he has a car(I don't) and he is not a sensitive figure. But for me the new site is in a longer distance location and there is no rapid transit service to access there.(in contrast to the fact that Skytrain is just alongside the central city mall). Actually he shares no common position with me in this situation. By the way, I once quoted BBC and The Sunday Times reports about the security and safety in my area around 2008-2009. I wish more communication can clear the roadblock in the future and wish no hostility toward my purchasing the book regarding the new global economy relevant ...

Been Thinking About--Part 2

The Sphinx on our way to happiness resides in :Some authority has A. no willingness to act with honesty and integrity on behalf of seeking the truth; B. no customized solution based on the specific scenario; endeavor to cope with "fait accompli". The prerequisites to enjoy life can be figured out as followings: 1.No spiritual hacking by evil spirit(see my blog on Apr.29, 2012); 2. No harassment, conspiracy and sabotage by quasi-mafia, quasi-KGB-Gastabo, quasi-communist and quasi-terrorist; 3.No framework of congenital idiot commented by Dr.Wang, Cheng(refer to my blog on Mar.1, 2012); 4. No animal political system inherited from oriental despotism criticized by Prof.Li, Ming(refer to my blog on Apr.30, 2012). Anyway one can be content with various circumstances in the spirit of Puritan. Unfortunately when neural signal is switched off by toxic agent relevant to human rights thugs(see my blog on June 8, 2008), the resurgence of damaged gene and cell depends on the re-ge...

Been Thinking About

Regarding God's salvation through the redeeming of our sin by Jesus Christ on cross who is a perfect man possessing the characteristic of truthfulness, benevolence and beautifulness, I try to specifically elucidate the meaning of beautifulness which is a philosophical concept--the harmony of body, mind and soul leads to peace, love and joy in God's creation. My exposition relies on the verses from the Book of Daniel and Book of Revelation. Worshiped by satanists, Lucifer, the son of morning, appears to be quasi-morningstar and quasi-savior and has attracted numerous attention around the world(refer to my blog on Apr.29, 2012). I'm fed up with the "tolerance" slogan by which I have to tolerate false accusation, false testimony, conspiracy to wipe out my gene, defamation and hostility to Christianity forever. So help me God.

Labyrinth Update 2

Regarding Canada Post delivery bar code number: 100578 379 006 851. Someone played ugly game with me. I left home around 2:30pm on May 22, 2012 checking my mailbox without finding any notice from their field office. I just received their notice asking me to pick up in another location, which is very inconvenient and dangerous(at St.Helen's Postal outlet, Super 8 Grocery Store, 10269 128 St. Surrey, BC). By the way I check my mailbox everyday. At 3:42pm today I phoned their customer care at 1-800-267-1177 for a duration of 17 minutes communication. I presented the situation described above and asked their agent to redirect my package to the main office or Central City Mall postal outlet where I once picked up my package. I was told the notice was placed at 2:48pm that day (within half an hour after I left home!). Usually they deliver mail around noon. To my disappointment their agent refused to accept my redirecting request, what is more, the agent remained silent after my request. ...

Random Thought--Part 2

CCTV headlines news aired the 70th anniversary of Mao's remark on YanAn's art policy in memory of so called revolutionary sentiment yesterday, which should have focused on Lu Xun's spirit. The naked reality, however, tries to avert Lu Xun's criticism in every effort including the deletion of Lu Xun's works from textbook in China. Unfortunately Lu Xun was expert at being of sarcasm about bipolar complexion and bipolar composure. Let's turn to another reality: The nearby Maple Ridge office of Turning Point charged my credit card on Apr.25, 2012, its receipt reached my mail box on May 10, 2012, somehow I haven't received the book ((The Coming Economic Armageddon)) by David Jeremiah so far--almost one month later. My VanCity credit card statement should have been received around every 10th day of the month(issued on every 3rd day of the month), this month after I phoned the financial institution to tell them not yet received, this local mail finally arrived on ...

Derivatives From the Incident of Chen, Guangcheng

The mouthpiece of Beijing's communist committee announced the American ambassador Mr.Gary Locke as an unwelcome person, denouncing him to interfere with China's internal affairs regarding the protection for the blind lawyer . This time the propaganda also focuses on his role as a people-oriented and rule of law binding paragon. Who should be ashamed of being rampant in corruption? Let me show you a simulation picture to have some teasing time. The main title--"The ugly show by American politician" and the sub-title"The only way for ambassador Gary Locke to survive is "corruption". As for the interference with China's internal affairs, I'd like to remind them of the fact that some red princelings as representatives of NPC(highest power agency) and NPPCC(consultative agency) of China actually possess double nationalities which are not allowed by the constitution. What if they own US citizenship? That means they automatically with...

Labyrinth Update

It's been eight days after I made some donation(CAD$15) to request a book ((The Coming Economic Armageddon)) by Dr.David Jeremiah, still it's trapped in the maze where the sender should be located nearby (city of Maple Ridge). I'm really afraid of economical terrorists who have the ((Secret Weapon)) by Kevin Freeman. Please allow me to quote Dr.Vernon McGee's sermon:"You and I are engaged in a staggering struggle in which angels and demons are involved. We are participants in a battle for survival, light and darkness, right and wrong, justice and injustice, liberty and slavery". It's evident that the red dragon and the beast are trying to control everything if you remember the concerted action that was blogged on November 19, 2011, which Pastor Gary Kah considers as control freak by anti-Christ system. At this moment I'd like to reiterate the will I made twenty something years ago that I'd rather spread my ash into Atlantic Ocean if I'm killed...

Supplement to 2100--Speaking Out--Part 3

Since the Marxism, Leninism and Maoism which are claimed to be the representative of advanced culture must be taught in school(four basic principles in constitution of China hence requirement) for authoritarian and totalitalian needs, I wonder why someone like Mr.Liu, Jie-ming in the Shrewsbury area of Massachusetts behaved like wolf mauling his wife to death three weeks ago. This alarming case tells us the atrocity and anti-humanity derive from communist anti-Christ education which segregates Chinese from God. From Billy Graham's sermon "Healed Demoniac" in the Internet Mr.Liu is supposed to be hijacked by evil spirit as the end time draws near-- the coming of red dragon and beast reveals in the Bible. Is it possible that within short period of six months Mr.Liu suffered from Alzheimer's syndrome after obtaining immigration visa? The health authority that issued the pass of medical examination for immigration didn't perceive his dementia tendency? Further testi...

2100--Speaking Out--Part 3

The Chagrin uttered by the late president Chiang,Kai-shek against Han, Fu-hsu indicates the enemy within can cause more damage than Mao's rebellion which would only take Chiang's life instead of taking money plus life by Han who behaved like economical terrorist.(see my Dec.10, 2008 blog"Phantom of History"). The main character Wei, Hsiao-bao described by Dr.Louis Cha in his novel"The Deer and the Cauldron" is a typical example of Satan conforming to the scripture John 8:43-44 perfectly.(see my previous blogs) The dexterity of disguising by Wei reaches highest sophistication in the category of impostor and swindler. The Isaiah 14:12-15 tells us the Lucifer is a cunning impostor disguised as quasi-morning star who fell from heaven and catered to the worship needs by all satanists, meanwhile Revelation 22:16 tells us Jesus is the true identity of the bright and morning star. The spiritual warfare launched by Satan is to interfere with Emmanuel's neural n...

2100--Speaking out*--Part 2

Recently I read a series of news reports and commentaries on toxic capsule in China. The media ranges from The South Metropolitan News(4/16/12, 4/21/12) and The Evening News on Rule of Law(4/20/12) to independent author Hong Sheng and CCTV anchor Zhao, Pu. Please check out the link: and . Much to my awesomeness, my mind drifted through Dr.Louis Cha's novel"The Legend of Condor Hero"(I just made some correction on my Apr.10 blog about Jin Yung's novel) in which one figure is called "Eastside wicked pharmacist Wong and his counterpart is called "Westside toxin alchemist OhYang Fung", people need to consume tremendous energy to withstand the poison they concocted. In essence this kind of things is nothing new under the sun--a variation of Ginseng Chow's game --vest-interest's closet scheme--black gold politics which used to be den...

Reluctantly but Must Speak Out--Part 3

This is the worst time. The crescendo on the scrambling for the survival has to be presented. Inspired by Rev. Charles Stanley's((Turning the Tide)), I have the courage to make some comment on Mr.Yu, Jie's article :"The Myth of China as a Harmless Tiger" published in the Washington Post on Feb. 13, 2012. We welcome the resurgence of a sleeping lion in the afterglow of proletarian cultural revolution, nevertheless the establishment of a hegemonic sphere doesn't need to impede the harmony of the new world order which depends on the commitment on the democracy, human rights and rule of law. I'd like to mention a book titled"Secret Weapon--How Economical Terrorism Brought Down the U.S. Stock Market and Why It Can Happen Again" by Kevin Freeman in which the lawless things corroborate what Mr.Yu, Jie described. The financial blackhole I encountered can be traced back to someone at Hangzhou's Gastbo-KGB. My current health status is in despair with mo...

2100--Speaking Out

After making some revision on last blog, I can't help but brainstorming on more things about the revolution as revolving door in China. If you check out the link --originally from HongKong's ((Next Magazine)), issue No.355 of 2008, you can find some equality problem involving national flag. Ms.Lung, Ying-tai pointed out in the WSJ that the current regime is inferior to late Qing dynasty regarding private property rights and political freedom(see my Dec.4, 2011 blog). I thought it the same level during "June 4 Incident" period. The precursor of KMT was called The Revolutionaries, coincidentally there occurred new Federal Revolutionary Party of China among pro-democracy activists. In my opinion the revolving door has been prone to reeling since late Qing dynasty , it's going to reach 1080 degree in extent. For the sake of minimum cost it's better off to reform politically as late president Mr.Chiang, Ch...

Further Debunking

As for my impostor brother, the extent to which the unscrupulousness is of characteristics should be insurmountable so that the scheme in the Wuthering Heights can be less significant. There has been rumor of three brothers since I left China. I pointed out previously that I didn't have any relatives in western hemisphere according to my mother. The only younger brother is a non-military staff, non-civil servant and non-teaching clerk. Some Gastabo-KGB member in Hangzhou created the mirage--the third brother in order to encroach my family's private property and my raised fund through organizing pseudo-pro-democracy activist, pseudo-christian and pseudo-Fa Lun Gong practitioner, hence one conspiracy after another and one coaxing after another hoaxing ensued only to damage my fame, to block my economical lifeline, to wipe out my gene and to justify the "fait accompli" they made up. Unfortunately such scheme is ignored in Canada, identity fiction and theft seem like not ...

Just a Reminder--Part 3

There is more evidence for reality sans frontier because I read some Beijing's CCTV news three days ago that one third of mails were not delivered in China. I am reminded of the labyrinth(see my last December blog) in which chaos is dominant and the monsters ruin things from affairs involving God and Gold to the struggle between Liberty and Tyranny, are we so indifferent to the violation of UN Charter happened in this temple called Vancouver Airport Mail Processing Centre? I once mentioned extremely important mail including donors' were intercepted. As a G-7 and NATO country,the occurring of mirror image of China is not compatible. ((The Origin of Tragedy)) was written in Cambridge University. The tragedy taken place in Vancouver was related to the corresponding one at Medical College in Hangzhou which used to belong to a university nicknamed Oriental Cambridge before communist takeover, it's been left-wing dominated since Mao's reign and the situation is the same ...

An Ode to Prof.Fang, Li-Zhi

It's kind of shocking news for me to learn the passing away of Prof.Fang, Li- zhi , the famous dissident of China a.k.a Sakharov in China, I hereby try to convey my sincere condolence with his family members. Let's slide the lens back to the scene of 1986 when late president Mr. Chiang , Ching - kuo lifted the ban on press freedom and party establishment in Taiwan Prof.Fang advocated democracy and political freedom in China hence facilitated the student movement at the end of 1986, which was composed of a part of the third wave of democratization I once had the honor to participate in as a graduate student(see my Mar.4, 2012 blog). Again, it's business as usual as Brezhnev's for China's People's Daily's affiliation- the Globe Times to launch propaganda against Prof.Fang--denouncing him not to ride the tide of history and to be self-righteousness by relying on Westerners. My rebuttal is both accusations are untenable and ridiculous in that the precursor of...

News Analysis

I found some report with statistical bar graph concerning the happiness index in China's cities at last week. The ranking of the last one resides in Hangzhou. Coincidentally the severity of every city's PM 2.5 reported by Beijing's CCTV three days ago indicates Hangzhou ranks at the beginning(53ug/m3) for six consecutive years being not up to national norm. In favor of the viewpoint of scientific development I can present my analysis that the CNS can be affected by toxic agent within PM 2.5 such as aroma-compound and sulphadioxide to display the symptom of anxiety and depression in that the neurotransmitters such as GABA, 5-HT and endorphin got imbalanced, hence the sentiment of happiness diminishes. In the realm of economical development some western countries seem to encounter slump but China manifests dynamics. If you do further investigation you will find paradoxical phenomenon that the welfare in the west shows us more socialism than in China in whic...

Just a Reminder--Part Two

Some English gentleman once concluded:"Nationalism(patriotism) is the last refuge for thugs". Boris Yeltsin expressed it in variation--last refuge for communism. According to a famous anchor of Beijing's CCTV( ), some reality in China shows us gruesome perspective: poor people without information can be taken in to follow communist patriotism propaganda, those with power and vest-interest practice corruption at their whim to procure illegal interest at the cost of national interest. It occurred to me that the 19th century Japanese rhetoric "Seceding from Asia and joining Europe" applies to me. There is some comparison between Brazil's Japantown and Chile's Chinatown in the website It seems I have to practice exodus as a part of Christian Exodus movement. So help me, God.

Just a Reminder

If you'd like to learn the background information regarding the P.P.S of last blog, you can scrutinize the late president Chiang Jr.'s diary sitting in the Hoover Institution at Stanford with plenty of his introspection and mindset evolution. His prominent remark still inspires us:"No political party will remain eternal". I once made some comment that the overthrowing of the desk on the scene of convening at Legislative Assembly of Taiwan could be an alternative way to make breakthrough in the aspect of transparency and political freedom inside authoritarian system to avoid fierce social turmoil when I stayed at home before forced demolishing of grandparent's house(in the mid 80's). Following this word I cited a famous metaphor by Gong, Zi-zheng of Qing dynasty:"It's a pity to keep all horses silent".(Refer to my blog on Aug.4, 2011). Will some people feel embarrassed in comparison with the late president Chiang Jr.'s dealing with conflict...

The Irony of History

The irony of history is revolution looks like revolving. You see, during the period of 1940's, the Xinhua Daily's editorial(refer to my previous blog) frequently denounced KMT 's stubborn caucus denial of transparency and political freedom; nowadays CCP(CPC)'s hardliners seem to wade into the same river of history at different time supernaturally in that they refuse to remove the injunction of free establishment of political party and press freedom. Unfortunately some offspring of the then KMT's stubborn caucus continue to wear the same trousers as CCP(CPC)'s hardliners do. I wonder if they are genuine or fake KMT and CP members. It's vest-interest, stupid. The fallout of Chongqing's renewing communist ideology is there: a segment of aria from some red template of Peking drama regarding turf war against KMT residue is still echoing--"real attacking under the disguise of negotiation, direct shooting plus back stabbing and playing game in a variety of...

Today's Mood

If Mao's ghost prevails, the scoundrel movement, scoundrel spirit and scoundrel culture sustained by the remnant activist of proletarian cultural revolution including pseudo-Fa Lun-gong practitioner, pseudo-christian and pseudo-activist of pro-democracy campaign give rise to a series of conspiracy especially fraud, hence tragedy and lamentation, which would further lead to the fact that lower level civilization replaces higher level one. Such precaution should be made lest the theory of clash of civilization by Samuel Huntington trumps that of multiculturalism. By the way, I'd like to state that I don't possess any financial institution accounts and any real estate property outside Canada except a little bit un-exchangeable money left over by my mother(see previous blog).

Vivid Contrast--Extra

There exists too much "Yuan, Mu-style cunning" in this world, that no one is dead in Tian-an-Men Square, in my understanding, is also a kind of "peasant-style cunning"(see my last blog). It seems my grandparents from another dimension has observed a series of human events such as false accusation and false testimony as is emphasised in the "Death of Honesty" by Prof.William Damon since their departure. A flashback of Proletarian Cultural Revolution tells me my grandfather, an honest accountant-in-chief, was forced to hang a cardboard with defamation words over his neck to be humiliated by maniacal Maoist from local district authority even if he was retired at that time and aside from forced demolishing of the house by the local authority in 1987 mentioned in last blog he was forced to hand over another parcel of land by the West Lake in the downtown area to the communist government of Hangzhou in 1950's. As for the case of Ms.Zhuang, Jing-hui(see my bl...

Vivid Contrast

Mao had to admit his peasant movement as "scoundrel movement" in the name of revolution to defuse the rhetoric of "lie down to be a man". In essence, Mao's genre reflects what Lu Xun described "peasant-style cunning". I once remarked that if Lu Xun had lived today he would have been arrested for the dissident-like sarcastic work by communist regime when I was in exile in Los Angeles during 1990's. With regard to moral courage being responsible for the civilization and history, there has been lack of manliness in China since the takeover by communist regime. To my puzzlement, Comrade Li, Xiao-ling, the daughter of the former prime minister Li, Peng, dare to present the motion to set up citizen's moral archive, which give me the courage to ask some question: 1. how much overseas asset does she own? 2. how much vest-interests have she and her in-law family acquired across Taiwan Strait since the bloody crackdown of "June 4" student movem...

Reluctantly but Must Speak out--Part 2

From Guangdong TV Morning news(3/6/12) I found some news attracting--during the current NPC period Comrade Li, Xiao-ling presented some initiative that moral archive should be established for everyone, which was demurred. In my opinion, such positive motion should be highly appreciated in that such ranking official can behave as head sheep to avoid the Chinese saying " If the upper beam in the house goes awry, the lower beam must be in the same way" and publicizing annual personal financial statement including tax assessment and clearing the checklist of conflicts of interests should be focused. Another news pertaining to the thanksgiving list churned out by the North Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs indicated Beijing's condolence was ignored( ), it seems Beijing, the major financial contributor and economical lifeline provider of N.Korea, can only play the role of paying homage and tribute to Kim II and the recent ...

Night Talk by Three Families Village--Extra 3

With regard to political reform I try to point out that students in 1986 didn't need to take graduate admission test on Marxism,Leninism and Maoism, unfortunately after the failure of first student movement at the end of 1986 since the takeover of China by communist regime, the little spring was quickly frozen and the old requirement revived. The situation has become worse since "June 4" incident in 1989 and lasted so long that it is analogous to the stagnant period when Leonid Brezhnev headed Soviet Union. With regard to shortage of long-term wisdom, I think what Mr.Lu Xun described "peasant-style cunning" in his ((Rhapsody Diary)) can be the best corroboration. By the way I've never entered US and owned any financial institution account in US since I emigrated into Canada in 1996.

Night Talk by Three Families Village--Extra 2

I suppose Dr.Wang, Chen is a social psychologist who described four types of incompetence( ), in my opinion, it is kind of long term wisdom development insufficiency which is closely correlated with what Mr.Yi, Zhong-tian described lack of four kinds of scientific spirits in my last blog based on my exposition that modern civilization concept is 200 years backward. Spoofing-people policy under authoritarian and totalitarian reign always leads to shortage of vision, intelligence and originality. Hence the current rekindled topic about political reform which could have finished under Hu, Yao-bang and Zhao, Zi-yang's enlightenment policy since 1980's if sustained should elicit the agenda to reform constitution in its right perspective including purport, function and polities. I wish it won't be a mirage in the foreseeable future. It's a pity for my father not to have played an active role as the downline of late pre...

Night Talk by Three Families Village--Extra

Mr. Yi , Zhong - tian's preface for the book((I can't Forgive)) by Zhong , Dao -ran enunciates the problem in the field of education in China( ). The trouble resides in lack of some fundamentals such as the course of apologetics and scientific spirits(mainly doubtfulness, criticism, analysis and verification). Even Karl Marx's humanitarianism and the alienation of human nature can't be discussed, how can the slogan "Humanity as Sovereignty" be realized? Currently I find a vivid example to show us the problem of tergiversation and detachment with reality in some diagram for politics to discern the left and right wing in the website (originally from ). Since the right wing espouses Hayek , Lock, Tocqueville, Mills etc, how can they disrespect property ownership? Under such diagram China's right wing returns to Mao's era ins...

Random thought

The topic "Fraud, Mammoth, Emptiness" satirized by Mr.Zhao, Ben-shan is crossing over Pacific Ocean and trying to realize Reality San Frontier. From the under-qualified party boss as Ph.D mentor to plagiarism of master thesis as Ph.D dissertation(See, etc), abusing bird's feather is a universal phenomenon. Based on such reality, I'd rather discard the defected feather decorated on my head because this aboriginal sinologist is making effort to reflect truth.(see my blog "Announcement"). My mammoth bank account can also be turned into emptiness through fraud. Naturally pagan becomes mammoth so that he can be worshiped by people. It's known to us all that God dislikes pagan's cult. Chinese idiom says:"If you are in a state of the spiritual ascendancy in the mountain for 7 days, you will find a millennium has passed in the real world". It's disrespectful for me to ignore pagan's new custom that throwing brick can c...

What's More

It's taken for granted that the superiors in China are forever in the right pathway, any demurring will lead to miserable denouement. When the roles of "black class" and "red class" become interchangeable , it should be borne in mind that"what is not desired is not supposed to impose upon someone else" and "asking other people to remove prickle in their eyes without being aware of the mote in his eye". For example, when "black class" like me was communed into proletarian, what kind of attitude will the proletarian pioneers, i.e. communists today in China, who ascend to aristocratic-bureaucratic capitalists adopt if asking them to be communed? What kind of feeling will some self-proclaimed so-called Fa Lun-gong member who used to be a Maoist currently facing accusation such as" wicked cult activist" for subversion arouse?


I paid off all my tuition and fees in order to be approved by Dept. of Education, my workplace and public security bureau for some emigration regulations in China to abide by 20 years ago. I've informed China's Dept. of Education that the master degree I received is not a reflection of reality in that the original hand-written data is not mine, which was handed over and approved by my superiors due to procrastination by non-cooperative behavior from purchase manage and so on plus unfavorable condition for me not to have autonomous rights to procure chemical and biological reagent especially from abroad although I was reassured by my mentors that money was out of question. My conscience tells me I can't conceal the cover-up made by the system and my suggestion to dept. of education is to repeal my master degree(Diploma Series No.900039). I once protested that I'd rather spread my ash over Atlantic Ocean two decades ago, which caused a series of direct trouble-making by H...

Night Talk by Three Families Village--Part Three

Today's Jing-guang gang and Che-bai gang from some so-called heaven can enjoy the same exemplary legal rights in Canada as foreigners in Shanghai's leasehold district did in 1920's-30's because the world is upside-down, forcing christian to practice exodus(see my blog in 2007). My remark"they don't understand the essence of western civilization and oriental civilization" was uttered 21 years ago. The strict rule of law with international financial order can facilitate the stability of free market. Prof.Zhang, Wei-yin, a famous economist at Beijing University corroborates what I expressed "200 years backward about modern civilization concept" regarding free market system in China. As for the case of borrowing money by Wu, Ying mentioned by Prof.Zhang, in my opinion, it's a typical case of selective law enforcement as is satirized earlier in my blog"Tribulation--Part Two". Although it's different from free-will donation, the natur...

More Organized Crime Debunked

You may still remember my debunking that my phone number 604-583-7223 was registered in White Rock in Canada411. Things seem escalated--this number is de-listed in Canada currently, but in US database it's still there. Moreover, my FAX number(778-395-7399) is registered under the name of Van Phan at V3X(postal code, Surrey city hall area), while in US database both my phone and FAX number are registered correctly at Whalley area, Surrey, BC. It can be concluded that schemers' heaven is full of Jin-guang gang and Chai-bai gang appeared in 1920'-30's shanghai, which constitutes Satan's heaven in which devil's disciple has written Satanic verse. I should reiterate it especially at the time of renewing communist ideology and cracking down crime in China right now. Puppets should follow master's way. *P.P.S.* It appears that "not a penny infusion" told by OBSI can overwrite the existence of my telephone number.

Night Talk by Three Families Village--Part 2

I came across some news that the authority of Zhejiang University conferred some titles(Ph.D mentor and professor) on the former communist party boss and incumbent chairman of people's city council of Hangzhou. The laureate became a university student as representative of workers, peasants and soldiers recommended by co-workers and approved by communist party committee without any admission test during the period of proletarian cultural revolution. Later on he attended communist party cadre school. Of course his titles were ratified by national ministry of education and reflected in the China-specific socialism. Please check out the link: . Some like Philip Pan narrates "Out of Mao's Shadow: The Struggle for the Soul of a New China" in his book, in my opinion, scrutinizing ((Nine Commentaries on Communist Party)) can be free from Mao's toxic brain-washing effects. Unfortunately even Mao copied Chiang Kai-shek...