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Showing posts from July, 2010

Extra 3

I'm pessimistic based on the situation that our society is indifferent to the killing of children, under US and Canadian law physical punishment of children is even prohibited. It sounds gruesome and the gruelling internal dogfight indicates our humanity development is still stringent. I'm optimistic based on the fact that I found some Beijing University professor's article researching Lu Xun appears in Taiwan's academic journal, also Taiwan's Mr.Bo Yang's work can be published in mainland China. Reality criticism can make advancement of civilization promising and bring us a ray of light to avoid tragedy, symphony pathetic should become heavy cross and a kind of introspection and accusation to the reality. I think the social-cultural development across Taiwan Strait and more effective communication can improve harmony.

Moreover 2

In a world of biodiversity, self-righteousness is hardly tenable, self-governance and self-management should be much needed. Lovebird's making love is much better than pedophilia by some clergymen. In the financial world, there is something called CDS (credit default swap), in the real world, trading in the less important for core interest is popular. "5 lies big banks keep telling us" by Michael Brush( MSN money) is appalling. Respecting other people's core interest is the cornerstone upon which a peaceful and harmonious relation can be established. According to former MP of Canada(Mr.Garth Turner), a Canadian version of US style real estate bubble is looming, that "the Millennium Waterfront" Olympic complex in Vancouver is more expensive than Manhattan's counterpart echoes Mr.Turner's remark. Some Korean Pastor said God dislikes liars. I can only believe Jesus will choose Amish if Second Coming descends. By the way I found Room 302 at The Palace...


The real estate mortgage fraud in my identity is still covered up, I'm supposed to be the stake holder. Danny Schechter's movie(see previous blog) cites FBI's remark "fraud epidemic" the same as I said "contagious" regarding my fund raising. Some authority would like to extend the saga of financial crisis(storm). Aside from "Plunder--the Crime of our time", Danny's another book "In Debt We Trust" perhaps best indicates bottomless money pit. The backside of the coin is inscribed "In God We Trust", I suppose God is faithful. The question "Democracy, But How Much?"(Vancouver Sun) is worth pondering. My prayer naturally pops up: God! Help me fill the bottomless money pit I encountered.

Who is Blurring the Boundary?

Long before Dr.Martin Luther King, Dr.Sun Yat-sen promoted civil rights, the well-being of people and democracy. The word "entitlement" is well known to people in California. If some financial policeman can prove some part of donation money is illegal, I am willing to give it up. Otherwise it should remain legitimate until proven illegal according to rule of law. Regarding corporate and individual donation plus official compensation as illegal means legal and illegal money boundless in order to take them all by some insidious and ulterior guy, which blurred the boundary between justice and evil. It's also malicious to portrait me as involving black-white world. My previous quotation of Shakespeare was a sarcasm. I'm wondering if there is a main street in our society. By the way the full contact or close encounter of 3rd kind by UFO was observed in my hometown recently, perhaps the ET was investigating something because justice had been delayed.

The Nature of the Problem 2

I informed FTC about swindling(male and female impostors, impostor brothers and self-proclaimed "my wife"), what I demanded was the impostors' transaction should be forfeited and their contracts and agreements invalid. I also informed RECOL and I'm entitled to know the results. But so far I have not been informed by judicial authority. It seems swindling(the most obvious is mortgage in my identity) has been backed up by some authority.By the way my parent told me I don't have relatives here. Hence a lot of reflects have been arisen form such situation. I really wish not to reflect upon their sincerity. I wonder if it's the reversal of time-space. Something like what happened upon Emperor QianLong(see previous blog) repeated here, but it's nothing new under the sun--cheating their superior and deceiving their inferior to co-conspire engulfing money. That's why numerous dynasties have been lack of harmony and sustainability, not to say leadership in t...

The Nature of the Problem

The nature of the blockade in my case is feudal force of reaction interfered free trade. Why I said so, because even some US citizen's banking activity has been not a thoroughfare and I'm in a NAFTA zone(By the way it costs me 50% more to buy a convection oven in Sears in Canada than in US). Using a set-me-up DUI case to hijack me is another scheme, then swindling, engulfing money and murder for money in the name of politics and religion to manifest self-righteousness. But they are not aware of the fact that if philanthropy and responsibility can be manipulated by politics and religion, then what's the use of Geneva Convention and UN Charter? What is more my privacy has been violated and the privacy of digital economy is at least worth $1.8 billion according to Journal of Consumer. Who are going to be responsible for $1.8 billion black-hole? Economic anthropologist knew. Using another prism to view, some even belong to Marxist(I was heard that Marxism is more exuberant in N...