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Showing posts from 2010

Legal Consideration

What I try to emphasize in my blog is the order of free market should be protected by rule of law. Coping with inherent problems of Cultural Revolution and the mishap of history requires cultivating the nurture of humanity, law and democracy. Take for example, neural gas was prohibited to use in the battle field after WWI according to Geneva Convention, unfortunately it happened in my reality. I, hereby, declare that should someone in the future proclaims he or she obtains some fortune of mine without my testament or hand written statement with special mark, his or her claim will be considered invalid and intervention of law enforcement must proceed. It's out of concern that someone may murder me due to black box operation. So far the fund raised is still in black hole. Thank you for your attention.


The world is full of color. Some people like to view philanthropic donation from the angle of colored glasses or political spectrum, which caused my fund-raising suffering from blockade to encroachment. They are not aware of the fact that adding up each color(spectrum) elicits natural light which represents harmony, in another word--melting pot. Biodiversity can be protected in this kind of philosophy of state of being.

Supplement 2

Setting up bad examples(see previous blogs) here leads to negative effects, i.e. the political reform promoted by Prime Minister Wen, Jia-bao won't acquire momentum, which we must admit a kind of logical reciprocity and correlation of new world order. Looking for a wise person to charter the right course at right time, right position and right place.

Fixing Two Fronts 2

I testified on SAMHA( in the US Dept. of Health) forum: I'm a reluctant survivor of vast conspiracy and marginalized by this harsh reality. You see, a 70 years old Hong Kong actor lives happily and vigorously with his 20 years old girlfriend. WWF Canada says biodiversity is not protected well enough here, so I'm facing extinction in this not-so-law-abiding area. Independent candidate instead of partisan-affiliation also should be a choice. Much to my surprise, some of his counterpart dissidents demurred and even expressed personal attack when Mr.Liu, Xiao-bo was awarded Nobel Peace Prize, "red-eye syndrome" is so popular even among some "democracy fighters", no wonder my fund raising encountered illegal manipulation. Wouldn't it be global conflict looming large? Then its imperative to coordinate east-west relation and neutralize tension. If it's regional inharmonious manifestation, I'd like to say I'm an immigrant from a developing country, ...


Another extreme policy opposite to Mao's "refusing foreign aid to maintain face regardless of people's agony" is "Only wanting to grab inner-lining(interests) even illegally without concerning face(fame)", both unleashed human rights havoc.

Psycho-analysis 2

It seems there is no specific personnel at CRA in Surrey and at Public Prosecution Division of Justice Department in Vancouver to deal with financial crime , that's the impression I got by visiting these agencies recently. A US lawyer Mr.Jim Gottstein sent an e-mail to me this week indicating government took a blind eye toward health care fraud. By the way the Northeast Mental Health team was relocated, feeling untenable? I suppose the root problem is government's revenue and expense can't break the even--facing bankruptcy, further affecting human rights. If human rights export is less than import, then human rights is bankrupted. Perhaps someone in the government tried to maintain government's face by not allowing me to accept foreign humanitarian aid. As for me, according to Chinese idiom, being not in a certain position, one shouldn't interfere the governance of the incumbent. Political and religious self-righteousness plus economical factor also led to results...


"Bank's Self-dealing Supercharged Financial Crisis" by Kitty Bennett, et al in ProPublica indicates parasite banking economy reversely-evolved by quasi-$500-million-captains(see previous blog) appears gloating over the unjustified wealth of the exodus cadres. "May Flower" era has been "Gone with the Wind". The clergyman's pedophilia is due to the fact that pent-up human energy(libido and virility) is suppressed. The black-box and black-hole operation is out of distorted mindset--as long as their fellow-someone lives no better than them, they are psychologically balanced. The insidious and fraudulent gamblers must be borne in mind that the "Art of War" by Sun Zi is human tactics and strategy, human plot, the divine perception and intervention of higher dimension can be more preemptive or become aftermath dominance. Even Zu-ge, Liang, the most famous strategist during Three Kingdoms period, can not achieve a long-lasting victory. The princi...

Being "Represented" 2

Confucius said:"A gentleman won't joint a party or gang(cabal)". To my knowledge the raised fund has been used in the election campaign and in the political intrigue. Confucius regarded it as "party desire" or "king(politician) desire" which falls into contempt by generations of Confucius' followers. The ideal of Confucius is "Kingship(leadership) through spiritual ascendancy(sanctification)". Confucius would not think the encroachment and embezzlement of my raised fund as "being represented" rather as "no mercy, no justice" considering my dehumanization status. I can assure that if the fund is in my hand I will make efforts to improve humanity development and promote humanitarianism aside from surviving in every aspect and set up a template of self-management to apply green energy and green technology preparing for energy security and a zero-carbon emission era. The fund won't be used in situation with conflict o...

Further Analysis

Let's view the problem in another angle. The situation is something like this: some uncivilized guys without enough capital and also without legal procedure rushed into a Christie or Sotheby's auction room and seized custom's capital, further they used seized capital trying to gamble. I wonder if they have enough capital to gamble or they will bankrupt Treasury. Something like financial derivatives has magnifying effects(1:100). Originally it's a gentleman's bidding , gentleman's dispute, shouldn't have been forced into gambling. If the uncivilized guys try to gamble in a gentleman's demeanor, it's better off for them to be on reflects. Because I'm in this society I doubted. some Chinese idiom says: "Harsh governance is more fierce than tiger" but "Even a vicious tiger won't eat it's cub". The former was said by Confucius, the latter is not a truth.(see previous blog). Let's hope gentleman's game won't bec...

Fixing Two Fronts

The peaceful transition in China requires the coordination of two aspects. The problem here is a good example of "transparency, rule of law and humanity as sovereignty" should have been set up as template( my previous blog said:democracy is compromised by defected rule of law and restricted free market, bad example). The Nobel Economics laureate Dr.Friedman commented on this situation: free market system is not protected and some government should rein in itself. That's the tradition of Chicago school--advocating free market, minute government redistribution through tax system and anti-monopoly. On the other hand, Prime Minister Wen, Jia-bao is trying to facilitate the compatibility of political system with economical system(as I said before capitalism is exuberant in China today). He warned the fruit of "reform and openness" may be ruined by incompatibility. History again is marching into the crossroad.

Potpourri 3

Some web images indicate even some monks in China drive Mercedes-Benz and BMW, some with a nun shopping in the market along with a child, some with his wife?(mistress?) in the store picking bra and drive a BMW. What does it mean? Progress as time goes by. So the "Pig Kings" defamation and "the-opposite-is-the-truth" scheme actually attempts to cover up grabbing my fortune and further cover up murder. The top elite intelligentsia( MIT professor) Dr.Noam Chomsky's criticism--"hungry wolf"--indicates "government of the people, by the people and for the people" has been undermined into lip service. According to the anti-war, anti-nuclear existence's Dr.Richard Sauder, the clash of civilization is the result of self-righteousness, he is also a famous UFO researcher and most recent work "Beyond the X-File" is breathtaking. I suppose the new world order should not be the repeat of "War and Peace" by Lev Tolstoy, he in-depth ...

Being "Represented"

The transmission of higher dimension says when the superior of some authority tried to investigate my case, they used my impostor to hoax their boss into believing that I got the compensation. This is not democracy, it's called" rape my will". Of course without sex, economy will go down more, because sex is the incentive of human creative activity, hence it's the drive of evolution of civilization. I'm fighting for gene to survive, fighting for species to survive. If some hypocrites try to obtain moral advantage, I suppose they'd better have no fornication, no adultery, no homosexuality, no divorce--that's the Bible higher standard, otherwise, first abide by natural law, international law and domestic law. Using Lucifer to represent Jesus is illegal although they are both called "Morning Star". Further Jesus is compromised. Some Chinese idioms can best describe the nature of the problem:"Mixing fish eyeball among the beads"," Cat...

Moreover 3

Kickback of donation is necessary and should be done by myself instead of swindler. Kickback should go to disaster area in the country of origin of donation rather than the vest-interest with conflict of interest. According to Chinese idiom natural disaster is associated with human mistake, heavenly fury is related to human chagrin. If Ci-Xi's policy continues, looting of palace will happen again.

Potpourri 2

The nature of my case can be described by a book title"Humanitarianism and Alienation of Human Nature". Other people's humanitarianism aid had been engulfed by some distorted humanity under-development. Prof.Long, Yintai's book"Please Persuade Me With Civilization" is a hot spot. I'm looking for some ground element of Holy Roman Empire--the knight and gentleman demeanor. Ambushing and sabotaging my bank account is not a glorious thing. General Liu, Yazhou remarked the civilization vicissitude can be monitored in millennium unit. If Lu Xun and Bo Yang's works are of no realistic significance, then civilization advancement won't be a bump ride. By the way, I never ate the "bun"(green card) soaked with "6.4" blood, why some people ate my "bun" soaked with my blood? I'm not Einstein and can't create time machine. My life can't be restarted as usual. I understand my raised fund is much needed for the survive o...


If you review the demonstration in Toronto during the G20 period, you can see various banners held by protesters, which reflects some reality. By the way, China's ex-deputy-chief of Economic Crime Inspection Bureau has been convicted of economic crime, which is a mirror to some personnel who ambushed my fund raising. Don't take advantage of the person who suffers from neural-endocrine-immune system injury by the toxic agent. Lu Xun's famous remark"Eating the bun soaked with human blood" is still echoing in our society, will those who ambushed my fund raising feel upset? If things mentioned in my blog happened in the third world, it may be understandable, here the selling point is"transparency, rule of law and human rights", "Let it be" means "self-destruction of Great Wall". Revolution seems like "revolve", a redundant action returning to original point(numerous regimes' vicissitude proves it); evolution of civilization...

Extra 3

I'm pessimistic based on the situation that our society is indifferent to the killing of children, under US and Canadian law physical punishment of children is even prohibited. It sounds gruesome and the gruelling internal dogfight indicates our humanity development is still stringent. I'm optimistic based on the fact that I found some Beijing University professor's article researching Lu Xun appears in Taiwan's academic journal, also Taiwan's Mr.Bo Yang's work can be published in mainland China. Reality criticism can make advancement of civilization promising and bring us a ray of light to avoid tragedy, symphony pathetic should become heavy cross and a kind of introspection and accusation to the reality. I think the social-cultural development across Taiwan Strait and more effective communication can improve harmony.

Moreover 2

In a world of biodiversity, self-righteousness is hardly tenable, self-governance and self-management should be much needed. Lovebird's making love is much better than pedophilia by some clergymen. In the financial world, there is something called CDS (credit default swap), in the real world, trading in the less important for core interest is popular. "5 lies big banks keep telling us" by Michael Brush( MSN money) is appalling. Respecting other people's core interest is the cornerstone upon which a peaceful and harmonious relation can be established. According to former MP of Canada(Mr.Garth Turner), a Canadian version of US style real estate bubble is looming, that "the Millennium Waterfront" Olympic complex in Vancouver is more expensive than Manhattan's counterpart echoes Mr.Turner's remark. Some Korean Pastor said God dislikes liars. I can only believe Jesus will choose Amish if Second Coming descends. By the way I found Room 302 at The Palace...


The real estate mortgage fraud in my identity is still covered up, I'm supposed to be the stake holder. Danny Schechter's movie(see previous blog) cites FBI's remark "fraud epidemic" the same as I said "contagious" regarding my fund raising. Some authority would like to extend the saga of financial crisis(storm). Aside from "Plunder--the Crime of our time", Danny's another book "In Debt We Trust" perhaps best indicates bottomless money pit. The backside of the coin is inscribed "In God We Trust", I suppose God is faithful. The question "Democracy, But How Much?"(Vancouver Sun) is worth pondering. My prayer naturally pops up: God! Help me fill the bottomless money pit I encountered.

Who is Blurring the Boundary?

Long before Dr.Martin Luther King, Dr.Sun Yat-sen promoted civil rights, the well-being of people and democracy. The word "entitlement" is well known to people in California. If some financial policeman can prove some part of donation money is illegal, I am willing to give it up. Otherwise it should remain legitimate until proven illegal according to rule of law. Regarding corporate and individual donation plus official compensation as illegal means legal and illegal money boundless in order to take them all by some insidious and ulterior guy, which blurred the boundary between justice and evil. It's also malicious to portrait me as involving black-white world. My previous quotation of Shakespeare was a sarcasm. I'm wondering if there is a main street in our society. By the way the full contact or close encounter of 3rd kind by UFO was observed in my hometown recently, perhaps the ET was investigating something because justice had been delayed.

The Nature of the Problem 2

I informed FTC about swindling(male and female impostors, impostor brothers and self-proclaimed "my wife"), what I demanded was the impostors' transaction should be forfeited and their contracts and agreements invalid. I also informed RECOL and I'm entitled to know the results. But so far I have not been informed by judicial authority. It seems swindling(the most obvious is mortgage in my identity) has been backed up by some authority.By the way my parent told me I don't have relatives here. Hence a lot of reflects have been arisen form such situation. I really wish not to reflect upon their sincerity. I wonder if it's the reversal of time-space. Something like what happened upon Emperor QianLong(see previous blog) repeated here, but it's nothing new under the sun--cheating their superior and deceiving their inferior to co-conspire engulfing money. That's why numerous dynasties have been lack of harmony and sustainability, not to say leadership in t...

The Nature of the Problem

The nature of the blockade in my case is feudal force of reaction interfered free trade. Why I said so, because even some US citizen's banking activity has been not a thoroughfare and I'm in a NAFTA zone(By the way it costs me 50% more to buy a convection oven in Sears in Canada than in US). Using a set-me-up DUI case to hijack me is another scheme, then swindling, engulfing money and murder for money in the name of politics and religion to manifest self-righteousness. But they are not aware of the fact that if philanthropy and responsibility can be manipulated by politics and religion, then what's the use of Geneva Convention and UN Charter? What is more my privacy has been violated and the privacy of digital economy is at least worth $1.8 billion according to Journal of Consumer. Who are going to be responsible for $1.8 billion black-hole? Economic anthropologist knew. Using another prism to view, some even belong to Marxist(I was heard that Marxism is more exuberant in N...

Aria Again

Aside from my own impostors, rumor has it that I'm affiliated with two other brothers from nowhere. Swindling should not be so coarse, it can become international laughter, what is more surprising self-proclaimed "my wife" from nowhere also manipulated some donation. But it seems to be endorsed by some authority. I risk being murdered to speak out the truth. This fraud cabal consists of an array of rogue element within some government, economical plunder and self-righteous political-religious practitioner. It reminded me of some story-- Emperor QianLong in ShanXi province almost was murdered because some governor deliberately regarded an impostor as genuine one. Some manifestation of conspiracy or foul play reflected here: after I left Canada for a couple of days I received a letter from CIBC credit card service, a Mr.Gary McDonald wrote to me to discredit me based on my credit history, it's my first time to use their credit card to buy a plane ticket and I prepaid...

Hidden Variable Reality

The state of being in my reality seems like quantum mechanics--indeterminacy and incompleteness--only uncertainty looms large, Heisenberg would agree with me. Thus may explain one can have several incarnations to appear in different places simultaneously , so I become less and less confidant. It can be one of best examples of psychological war. That someone retracted his statement with regard to my fund raising is understandable due to manipulation by invisible hand--catering to theory from astrophysics to quantum-physics--black box, black hole and hidden variable theory. So I'm marooned in a reality of reverse evolution by quasi-$500-million-captains(See HongKong movie"Lee Lock").By the way I don't have any criminal record according to law enforcement agency. I'm entitled to know anything wrong, otherwise it's called "no law(hair), no heaven(sky)" . Another Chinese idiom points out:"The more effort to cover up, the more truth to be revealed...

Retrospect and Statement

Another rebuttal is my social security card which was applied in Los Angeles was stamped "Not Valid For Employment", some of my fellow foreign students didn't have such stamp, which is some kind of discrimination against me and un-American. The un-American behavior or "The Crime of Big Government"(David Woods) leads to "Compromised"(Terry Reid et al), that's why I said at the beginning of my blog(2007) "real American practice exodus, that's why a very American, very patriotic former Air Force Intelligence officer in Canada, besides there is I only have 5 digit mortgage at BMO, what my ID grabbers did is nothing to do with me and I should be informed what they sucked in. I have a FTC Reference No.26083203. I try to reiterate that the purpose of my fund-raising is for survival in a not-so-harmony environment that caused damage to me without any intention to interfere political and religious affairs, simply trying to mak...

More Prayer 2

From the phenomenon to the nature of the problem, I can infer that my adversaries fall into following categories: some authentic genuine communists withdraw from fake communist party, others can't out-strive and overcome communists like Kim Jong-il but have ability to bully me, and some just take advantage of me. But their common ground is: bully me. Oddly enough, their economic well-being depends on exodus money from China. It's up to you to decide if this is called hypocrisy and double standard. "The Crime of Big Government" debunked by David Woods behaved like organized crime. I again pray God: the evolution of civilization will be positive.

Mao's Copycat

The rogue element within targeted some people like Dr.Mike Wolf because their psychological imbalance is the same as that of great leader Chairman Mao--jealous of elite intelligentsia, in essence it's some kind of lower level civilization murdering higher level civilization and anti-humanity. Galactic diplomacy indeed needs Dr.Mike Wolf(M.D., J.D., Ph.D, Sc.D) or equivalent, unfortunately we lost him. The new energy form may be the same as that of UFO powered by anti-matter reaction, advanced energy form represents higher level civilization. The force of reaction usually adopts unscrupulous means to maintain unfair advantage. It's better off for them to get some education as Dr.Mike Wolf especially in humanity to behave like human so that we can advance into 6th epoch under the shadow of Code Maya peacefully( I feel current situation is like dark age).

More Prayer

The situation I encountered belongs to soft infrastructure problem during the evolution of civilization. Hardware problem can be resolved as science and technology advance. Soft infrastructure reflects humanity development which involves rule of law vs. rule of man, transparency vs. black box operation and the sovereignty of humanity vs. road to serfdom. Too many black holes in our society only cause no life. I suppose these black holes constitute the force of reaction contrary to the hierarchy of state of being(See previous blog), contrary to what Jesus said He is life. I admit I can't cope with the imbroglio among the governments, opposition parties, religious groups, interest groups and NGOs. I hereby beseech God to teach me how to survive this kind of reality.

Better No Crosspurposes

In my opinion the identity grabber violates God's intellectual property rights due to the fact that I am the work of God's intelligent design. Anyone who believes in Genesis or Intelligent Design will agree with me. I wish it's not an embarrassment to my blog's copycat who disguised as me and sucked in money. God is omniscient and according to Joseph Noah justice will be served in due time(similar expression in Buddhism), otherwise according to Martin Luther King if someone in somewhere got no justice, it will affect people in everywhere.

P.P.S. 2

After long time period of pondering, I realize I'm marooned as a matter of fact in the crook-dominated lawless chaos. Can order be out of such kind of chaos? Ask Dr.Porigogine. Perhaps the Code controlled by God can reset such chaos into harmony which is promoted by President Hu, Jing-tao. Besides the remnant of tribalism still occupies some market according to my observation and experience, although in the atmosphere of globalization which is supposed to be in the same standard and same world.

Mental and Physical Torture

In this Wei, Xiao-bao style's utopia, some theory such as one can have several incarnations is wide-spreading. I can't help but asking:" who are afraid of the truth"? This Monday(4/26/10) I first visited a lawyer's office in New Westminster, the lawyer told me my personal record checking can be done in any city's police department, so I went to the nearby NWPD, the receptionist asked me to leave a voice message in their voice mail system. On my way home, a policeman responsible for parking phoned me and asked me to visit Surrey RCMP. So this Tuesday I went to Newton RCMP station, they told me I must go to main detachment. It took me lots of time and energy to reach there (I don't have a car, it's very, very inconvenient for me to go there). But I didn't expect the front desk clerk told me I must have a valid reason to check my record, she also refused to accept my case-reporting.(The RECOL in Ottawa suggested so). According to Privacy Act and Fre...

Invisible Hand 2

According to the Bible I am supposed to copy my gene naturally, the toxic agent caused me unable to do so. Meanwhile the Chinese custom also will place me in a predicament for being unable to produce offspring in that it's the most disrespectful thing to progenitor. Who is the invisible hand that caused such anti-humanity consequence which should have been relieved by the philanthropic donation and other people's responsibility?

Invisible Hand

It has been known that there is an invisible hand to control market since Adam Smith. I found similar situation in my case. Yesterday morning I phoned Victims Services of BC(9:46am, talking time 12 minutes) in Vancouver, a lady claimed my e-mail to them( had not been received two days later after I sent it. Besides I'm supposed to received a mail from Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investment( they told me it was sent more than two weeks ago) and another mail from CCRA(routine shopping credit refund in April), but not yet. You see so much magic things from my medical records to my e-mail and physical mails, my mails and records can grow wings and fly away. The invisible hand in my case belongs to corruption--rule of man instead of rule of law. Magician's style cover-up can be related to what Federal Ombudsman for Victims pointed out(see last blog). If shameless means nothing, Humanity will face more challenge and risk and more entropy on earth...

A Thread Running Through

The thread from the beginning to present is full of conspiracy. I am surprised to discover Nixon's "1999:Victory Without War "becomes 1999: impostor's victory without war, because at that time I received a letter to tell me the time was not due. The government at that time was so great, so glorious and so righteous that I must say "long live" just as I must say in the Cultural Revolution. The great leader Chairman Mao didn't like "rule of law" and "play by the rule", he liked to quote a Chinese pun(fig) to represent himself:"When a monk hold an umbrella, there was no hair(law) and no heaven"(the hair and law pronounce the same in Chinese). I dare to say those dare not to advocate any "rule of law" and "play by the rule" in non-democratic ambiance. I feel like the earthquake took the toll, lamentation descends and shrouds me, which proves what a senior Chinese leader commented on the trans-time-space effe...


The theme of the new movie"Plunder--The Crime of Our Time" by Danny Schechter focuses on the criminal activity based on the ground that collapse of housing market led to economical catastrophe. Here in Greater Vancouver area, the situation is the opposite is the truth--the housing market is never so robust and booming.(see my last blog). Then I don't understand why my bank accounts and raised fund are annihilated. Can anybody reveal any relationship? What kind of economical predator is it that caused my fund-raising to be fallen prey of? Eccentric as it may be, I observed and figured out some correlation: the more political-economical-religious manipulation, the more anthropological intrigue and the more divine intervention. Cooperation with me can be a win-win denouement in this supernatural British Columbia. By the way, a New York state professor(Philip Haseley) advocates UFO study should be present in university curriculum.

Supplement 2

In addition to bugs in my rooms, there existed ones in my car. So it should have been very clear what-so-ever. Those kind of "set-me-up" accusation should only be there in my hometown about 800 years ago. I never dreamt of such history recurring in post-modern society. I also should not say "I dreamt I went back to Mandalay last night". History should not be a nightmare from which I'm awakening. The published( 4/15/10) issue of New Home indicates Vancouver area's average house price hits 1 million milestone, the day I landed in Canada the average house price just stayed around 200 grand. Everyone knows the price is hiked by the exodus money from China. So don't bully me.

No Political-religious Interference

I found something interesting in some web source: the similarity between famous model(actress) and no-celebrity can reach above 90%. In the view of neuro-psychologist I have a bit of cognition problem. The biggest mistake I made is I regard some reality as classical western civilization and democracy. Under so many political-economical-religious influences, my fund-raising encountered backlash. Other people's philanthropy and responsibility can be manipulated in the name of politics and religion and totally fall prey of economical predator. Truly it's crooked--just like the title"Crooked Cop's Loot Will Remain Hidden in BC"(see previous blog). I learned and pointed out about 7 years ago that some impostor used my identity to have acquired Canadian Citizenship(my place got bugs, they should know it), and I pointed out swindler encroached my compensation. It seems swindling is endorsed. I really wish some authority can redress the backlash so that I won't hav...

Criticism and Sarcasm

A senior Chinese leader once remarked on the prognosis of the Proletarian Cultural Revolution:the follow-up influence would be 50 years. I now fully understand and encounter the trans-time-space effects. As a matter of fact I'm dying from the "culture" described in my blog"Time for Introspection Due". Mr.Lu Xun pointed out in his Rhapsody Diary: The society is engulfing people. There is kindred spirit in Bo Yang's writing. Some reality-criticism writer in the 19th century such as the French Balzac and Hugo and the Russian Pushkin also did so. I wonder how these writers would think about the fact that the donated life-saving money was embezzled and encroached or stolen for their economical interests. If the car accident were not fictitious, it would be an ordinary event. But under the "culture" described before, things behaved like yeast--it's fomented, even led to tragedy. What a pity! Isn't it time for Jesus and Buddha to weep? Another ca...

Magic Deeds

If you read CTVBC's news I mentioned yesterday, you 'll agree with me about what I said:"in this strange new world, to quote from Shakespeare, I'm suffering from a special type of color blindness--black and white boundless", Mr.Perrault's story is just a typical example. What's more surprising, the VGH's medical record has proved they are self-conducting, self-editing, self composing my medical history. I mentioned before a page was stolen by intruder last October, and I requested a new copy but I found that Dr.Wang's writing still missing, so I phoned them on Mar.30, 2010 at 2:23pm, a lady called Susan told me it was there(talking time 10 minutes). Yesterday at 10:38am I phoned them again, in the witness of the whole world, that lady told me there never exists a Dr.Wang in the VGH's PAU! The world is agape--they are so creative that a truly outstanding magician can't match!

Extra 2

The auxiliary evidence of dark force that is dominating can be presented here: according to, 12:24 pm PT), a RCMP investigator(Mr.Perrault) in Surrey was charged with fraud. I think it's a rebuttal to what Sean said to me"Lie is not a crime" more than two years ago. I try to point out: God controls Code Maya, Code Noah and Code Nostradamus.

Note 2

The Voodoo-like infestation of evil spirit pointed out by Pastor Dennison is a major threat to my bank accounts, it's time for the swindlers and trouble-makers to respect the hierarchy of state of being(see previous blog). The Communism plagued only about 1% of timespan in the history of China, the origin of contemporary tragedy was stated in previous blog, the universality of antagonism lies in the fact that humanity as sovereignty is not taken for granted.

Confusion 2

According to Mr.Bo Yang of Taiwan : The "Fait Accompli" they made up is not the truth. The statistics based on People's Daily revealed some truth--Since 1992 the exodus money of ranking communist officials from China has been added up to more than 300 billion USD, which I think is a conservative estimation, to reflect the reality it must multiply 2-3 times. Everyone knows those communist officials entered US, Canada, UK et al. According to US law, Nazi and communist are not allowed to be admitted. So I said: Congratulation! Peaceful evolution succeeded. If not, then reverse peaceful evolution succeeded. I will say Congratulation too. Anyway, "it's economy, stupid", not bully, snobbery, hypocrisy and double standard. So I think my bank accounts may be just under paranormal, para-psychological influence, what I need to do may be just asking God to exorcise evil spirit. I suppose government of the people, by the people and for the people will defend its citizen...


I suppose that how many people who involved swindling amounted to how many people who praised emperor's new clothing(see previous blog). Some authorities keep on inaction. Not only democracy is compromised by defected rule of law and restricted free market, but also Jesus is compromised by impostors. There appeared such theory that Jesus on the cross grasped his another incarnation and resurrected. Blame whom? Such things if not stopped, more harm can be done. I, hereby, propose that anyone who can debunk swindlers should contact me and the results can be shared and negotiable.(604-583-7223).


What is called "independent Kingdom" actually is independent of natural law and international law, what used to be dominant here was "rule of law" and "play by the rule", I can only pray God to restore natural law and international law(financial order). By the way, I'd like to point out that another impostor must hold American Express Credit Card according to the provincial government letter sent to me in 2006.

P.S. 2

The auxiliary evidence to support my argument in last blog lies here: It's the Maoism Communist Party newly founded in China that attempts to stage armed uprising to overthrow current regime according to their party purport. So I pray God to guide me under any circumstance.


Premier Wen, Jia-bao advocates free trade in many occasions, it's positive to promote free market in which banks play a critical role that should not be independent of rule of law. Mao once complained some situation like an independent kingdom characterized by "needles can't insert it, water can't infiltrate it". There existed North-South Dynasty administrated respectively, Three Kingdoms and Seven Kingdoms engaged annexing and anti-annexing redundantly in the history of China. Some situation here and there seems like history deja vu. But never forget knight demeanor, open-end mindedness in contrast to mean, unscrupulous behavior and close-end mindedness. Still there is nothing new under the Sun. History also will judge impartially and God is omniscient. The hierarchy of state of being should be God(higher dimension)--natural law--international law--domestic law. For things developed so far, I can't discern who copied whose behavior, who evolved whom and who ...

Time for Introspection Due

The common ground of President Nixon and Chairman Mao was both thought socialism+imperialism=social-imperialism which was deemed to be most threatening, the new world order was initiated. When responsibility and philanthropy donation was there, who created the humanitarian crisis? I try to probe the Contemporary Origin of Tragedy happened here and there, the contributing factors should be as following: socialism culture, power and interest struggling culture, back-stabbing culture, bamboozling and defamation culture, refusing to admit mistake culture, racketeering culture, cover-up culture and the Assassin Trilogy by Robert Ferrigno.

Further Consideration 2

I can say some adversary used psycho-electronic device or performed psychokinesis and retro-psychokinesis( psychic power) toward me(first time I met Dr.Little I mentioned psychic power, they should know such things, the Yale psychiatrist testified it in 1974) to cause me manifesting so called "psychiatric symptom", so I was forced into the category in order for them to cover up vast conspiracy and further forced into psychiatric business for them to exploit me. There exist too many political spectrum, political systems and religious beliefs, which can not be unified, but human rights are universal. With regard to normal business, I used to be in the business school and was taught business ethics that should be universal. I wonder how to do business in an ambiance without honesty, integrity and compliance. I can't imagine what the world will be in such ambiance. What is more I am in a Wei, Xiao - bao's style utopia in which wifes and families are my impostors'. ...

Concerning Professional Ethics

The lady responsible for my trust fund( few dollar my parent gave me) at Coast Foundation once told me they never do risky investment. So in 2008 when financial storm took place the ROI was the same as that of VanCity's one year CD. But last year's ROI turned out to be less than 1%. How interesting! A tax-free savings account in Canadian Western Bank can earn 3%. Catering to their unscrupulous exploiting, business schools have to invent new course--Creative Accounting in the curriculum. You see, I'm again creatively maladjusted. But in this case, they knowingly take advantage of a person with brain injury by toxic agent , legally it's a more serious crime. I wonder how Martin Luther King would think. Since 2007 I reported to RECOL.CA several times(Complain ID:45353, Victim ID:1066617, the latest Complain ID:102352, Victim ID:1086916). But somehow it can't prevent tragedy from happening. I kept asking God:How and why can such sinister things take place in our so...

Tout Ensemble

I doubt somebody in Vancouver area knew the 911 conspiracy in advance considering the fact that 27 years after first successful test of mind control technology at the time of 911 incident it should be developed very mature to beam audio and video message into the brain. So will it be a terrorist-psychiatrist-politically and economically motivated vest-interest group co-conspiracy for the things developed so far? Exert your imagination! Anyhow I'm a victim. Some crisis was caused by the fact that they didn't understand the essence of western and oriental civilization. To be eligible to engage galactic diplomacy on which peace relies, one must be multi-disciplinary like Dr.Mike Wolf. From the survival of living costs to "touch the face of God", that's the meaning of human existence. Chinese idiom says: "To untie a bell the person who fastened it is needed", it applies to ID grabbers , my bank account ambushers and my compensation embezzlers.

Conundrum 2

In the normal western democracy, the society's characteristic is reflected by honesty, integrity and compliance. Breach of trust is considered as a shame, unfortunately it occurred in my case. If humanity acts as sovereignty(see previous blog), then what happened is infringement of my sovereignty. Some foreign governments don't self- regard themselves as western democracy, then some behavior has compliance by definition. Here it's called western democracy, but what is revealed in my blog indicates non-compliance, if some authority admits we are not a western democracy, then there is compliance. Democracy is compromised by defected rule of law and restricted free market.(The banking system is a part of international free market system and especially emphasize compliance.) Living in a non-compliance environment, split personality can be cultivated. I suggest Ms.Sheng, Xue who wrote a book about Mr.Lai, Chang-xing do some investigation and write a new reporting literature, the...


Some questions I have to ask:What if the donation falls in the hands of various kinds of terrorists? Why did some relevant authority ignore identity theft I presented? Let me remind them of the possibility that the donation money could also be grabbed by anti-government forces. Why am I not informed of the murder orchestrated against me? Who under what circumstances can own and use mind control technology that can cause disorder or make human a biological robot? It seems Mao's policy toward intelligentsia and business owner is copied here against me: persecution--utilization--persecution again--utilization again. To ambush my bank account equals to seize owner's property by Red Guard during the Proletarian Cultural Revolution. History repeats itself? Nixon wrote a book in 1988-- "1999: Victory Without War". Has the free market and rule of law system achieved victory? Who copied whose behavior?

Reluctantly But Must Speak Out

When I reported to RCMP about fraud things two years ago, an officer called Shawn(or Sean) told me over the phone:"Lie is not a crime". If so, everyone can lie to the tax agency at present tax season. I really adore him. I also was told identity theft is a very usual thing--it's downplayed. My further consideration is likewise commercial pirate products are very common, and can be downplayed too. Yesterday I found my VOIP phone(MagicJack) number seemed to be hijacked, and I chatted with their agents online, the first agent tried to shift focus, then I was referred to the second agent(top 10%), but he could not explain but just told me the time was Florida time as was recorded in the message envelope(like caller ID), and asked me not to use the advanced option, I said:"to verify is to rule out fraud", then he just terminated the chat. It's easy for the professional to replicate VOIP number with today's technology.(my previous VOIP number from another comp...

Ramification:Rogue Element Within

I can deduce that I'm a victim of commercial mind control technology or psycho-electronic weapon effects according to Prof. Eleanor White, I once detected unusual level of magnetic field in my place(see previous blog). Such effects include: vivid controlled dream, forced precision manipulation of hands, sometimes sync'ed to forced waking vision, unexplainable vibration of muscle , cases of repeated of fresh battery dying, forced memory blanking and induced erroneous actions, forced orgasm, intense pain, "hot needles" and lots more. My psychiatrists also deny the vision is from higher dimension. I, hereby strongly protest such deliberate action to harm me. Dr.Steven Greer mentioned rogue element within, Dr.Michael Wolf and Dr.Richard Boylan both pointed out rogue element within used psychotronic directed-energy devices to target UFO researchers.(see, FBI agent Jeniffer Simon also pointed out rogue element within. I can do further extrapolation that th...

Vast Conspiracy Debunked

Some so called psychiatric symptom is in fact a part of vast conspiracy participated by psychiatrists, you can read Prof. Eleanor White's article at about electronic harassment, also Dr.Jose Delgado(director of Neuropsychiatry, Yale University Medical School) demonstrated on CNN in 1985 some psychokinesis effect, another testimony was kept on Congressional Record No.26, Vol.118, Feb.24,1974. Are we in a mind control society? If so, everybody risk being a puppet of control freak. During the Proletarian Cultural Revolution, China went back 100 steps, mobs seized owner's property including bank account without legal procedure, the situation here is 50 steps retreat. What a pity! Being not as a parvenu or nouveau riche, I'm a victim of communism, as I said before I didn't expect to experience communist seizure in a western democracy. Wei, Xiao-bao's style or cultural revolution style economical plundering doesn't make sense. Hoping I wi...

Further Consideration

Since the fittest to survive in our society appeared to be Wei, Xiao-bao's style, I think there needs a monarch whom Wei, Xiao-bao's disciples can coax, or engage mutual utilization. Oriental despotism and occultism seem to have transformed here into their direct crown colony. Anyway, which one are you in favor of? Thomas Hobbes(favoring monarch) or Thomas Jefferson(favoring independence)? Black box and black hole operation may elicit more serious negative consequence: according to natural law stated by Mr.Fuller, the bond between citizen and government can be ruptured if rational reciprocity is not achieved, hence there is a civil disobedience law. I'm afraid donors in my case will refuse to pay any tax because their wills are perpetrated. At present it seems I'm also not encouraged to pay tax because of the anomaly I wrote last week.

Logic 2

Because the donation was creatively labeled as dirty money(black money), some adopted black box and black hole operation, Transparency International can regard it as "black ate black" incidence. There is a Chinese idiom to describe it:"Someone who went back 50 steps mocked at another one who went back 100 steps", which further affects transparency in other country such as North Korea. The new world order depends on logical reciprocity and correlation.

Question and Hope

For things developed so far, who are afraid of the truth? Who are responsible for the anomaly? Personally I pursue harmonious reciprocal relationship between man and heaven, on the eve of Chinese New Year, my best wishes go to everyone for a prosperous and blossomy new year.


Previously I'd send out my tax claim documents each year at this time, but this year I haven't received relevant tax claim slip for which I'm waiting. The insidious one out of ulterior motivation just installed hurdle to prevent me from reunion during the Chinese Spring Festival, meanwhile I can't afford an admission ticket to the opening ceremony of the Olympics two days later, so it will be miserable festival days for me to spend, which the heaven got an eye to witness.

Contemplation 2

On Jan.18, 2009(the Martin Luther King's Day), I ordered a mega deal from Little Caesar at Cedar Hill, but I found out they gave me small one instead of medium one. You see, I'm maladjusted, Mr.King must have sympathy and empathy. The natural law elucidated by Cicero, Paul, Aquinas, Hume, Locke, Hobbes, Fuller and Mills denotes and connotes all rights conferred by God. Are we more backward than the Enlightenment period? Is black box and black hole operation more civilized than what happened in some other country where dissident is told not allowed to receive overseas donation? There exists kindred spirit in Chinese mythology "The List of Ordained Gods and Goddess" in which some guys ride dragon-beast hybrid in order to revert adverse situation as in Bible. May history not repeat itself. I've experienced Mao's Proletarian Cultural Revolution in which proletarian continued revolution and communed owner's property.

What Happened?

What is reflected in my blog is chaotic political-economical status and chaotic value system--a high level of entropy is lurking on earth, everything tends to be not in harmony. It involves questions of philosophy of civilization and rule of man vs. rule of law. My impostors claim they are spreading democracy and Christianity , what they did seems to prove they are promoting Wei, Xiao-bao(see previous blog), promoting behavior like encroachment of other people's property including infringement of my portrait rights and copyrights, which mimics the behavior of the cunning coyote--creative exploiting and plundering(at this moment National Geographic Channel is broadcasting "Valley of Wolves"). Swindler is encouraged in our society and citizen's will is perpetrated.


As for Wall Street(bank) vs Washington(government), some state leaders took oath under Bible, then let God's belonging belong to God, Caesar(government)'s belonging belong to Caesar(government), but don't extend trouble to fish in the pool according to Chinese idiom, i.e. let civilian's belonging belong to civilian.

How Things Going 2

Last Friday I found rogue element within registered a defunct credit card of mine in my CIBC bank account. Government of the people, by the people and for the people won't ignore such creative exploiting and plundering. Rule of law is : for the donation received, government gets 5% gift tax after first million dollars. The bank gets 1% processing fee. It's a pity I can't resort to WTO. I reiterate here I never give someone any authorisation to do any financial arrangement and legal affairs so far except my current BMO mortgage. A Surrey pastor(Mr.Dennison) said:"Maybe God has shaken that place, shaken against the kingdom of darkness" for being infamous for its voodoo and spiritual darkness. Anyway, even the atheist communist leader Mao believed corresponding(interactive) response(reaction) between man and heaven as Chinese say the heaven got an eye. Some people here behaved more like an atheist than Mao. Trouble-maker and swindler are accelerating Code Maya, Noah ...

How Things Going

I realize the common feature of terrorism and communism forces here hinges on "in the name of politics and religion to serve their economic interests", let me borrow one word from Martin Luther King, they do creative exploiting and creative plundering--I'm more than "creatively maladjusted".


It seems like a Hong Kong movie"Overheard", the rogue element within can precisely locate me and manipulate the system if it's not ghost ridden in my case. I visited one of service centers and signal restored. Any cell phone does active search of signal. The trouble began after I received a mysterious call from 905 area code in foreign language. Aliens can be classified into extraterrestial and interdimensional and they can speak earthly language, so be leery of bad aliens.(see previous blog). Martin Luther King said:"the human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted", "Justice denied anywhere diminishes justice everywhere", truly resonating in my plight.

Ugly Things Escalated

Recent astronomic discovery indicates there exist 33 pairs black-hole dancing Waltz in remote stellar system, also there is a gigantic black-hole weighted 6.4 billion times of Sun and located in the center of galaxy M87. This morning, I found Telus Mobility terminated my cell phone service without notice(I just transferred my home land line number to my cell phone two weeks ago, the phone itself functions well, 911 works), but my phone displays no service. Also today I found a row of newspaper boxes at the King George Skytrain station disappeared. A notice in the lobby of condo says several car breaks-in at the parking place. That the communists become fake should be welcome(see my previous blog), that the western civilization and democracy here become fake should not be complimentary. Jesus said he is life. Life is composed of realistic living things, life is reflected in virility. I don't have life here, I'm in a de facto house arrest status. Much to my disillusionment, the t...

Mood for Thought 2

In the "Rebecca", the stewardess is an epitome of unilateralism, self-righteousness, control freak and strong desire of encroachment, representing force of reaction--perverse, froward, pusillanimous destroyer of life . In today's world, multilateralism becomes a trend, the civilian affairs should also abide by "peaceful co-existence five principles" as in international law characterized by "humanity as sovereignty" in most recent academia, besides it takes two to the tango. Terrorism and pirates will be reduced significantly should alternative and recoverable energy be used widely(lots of crude oil shipped by sea), national security loophole plugs in and of course no air pollution and warming climate. This is what art of war called" causing adversary to succumb without war". The common ground of the right and the left resides in the e-mail sent to me by Dr.Blaylock's wellness report highlighted by magnified red-colored title:"Will...

Mood for Thought

Today President Obama attributed problem to "system failure, human error" in the address at the White House. There exist system error and random error in the scientific experiment, but in my case, more weight can be laid upon "The civilizing force of hypocrisy" in terms of jargon of international law. I should be very pleased to be informed if IRS tells me what's been wrong since 1995 and the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China and Vital Statistics in US tell me my marriage records so that my impostors can be exposed. Chinese idiom says:"The mind to harm other people should not be kept, the mind to be leery of someone else should always be alert".

New Year Resolution

I'm trapped by rogue element within political spectrum and religious group, hence in a bondage situation worse than what David Woods described(see previous blog). Everyone knows where he pinpointed--socialism, communism and terrorism forces here. They saw a city government building worthy of about $5 billion USD in China(see previous blog), suffering from red eye syndrome, so I'm ambushed during donation period. Since our national policy is multi-culture instead of melting pot, i.e. hodgepodge-mishmash, the common ground is natural and international law. Moral standards differ in time and space. There existed lots of conflicts between religions(e.g. Christian and Muslin), even within same religion there existed conflicts among different divisions(e.g. Catholics, Protestant and Orthodox in Christianity, Sunni and Shiite in Islam). I'm tired of political and anthropological intrigue, tired of religious war in which they tried to prove whose God is more powerful, especially an...