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Showing posts from October, 2009


Last year a news report said former president Mr.Clinton went through therapy for some condition to which I'm in a opposite situation. The cover-up mentioned last week has prevented me from recovery and survival due to lack of fund. We are not supposed to be in a George Orwell's "Animal Farm" and "1984". We are supposed to be in a rule-of-law society in which identity grabber should not be cherished, or Lucifer(morning star like Jesus) is cherished. "I'm who I'm" is a savior, Lucifer does bamboozling, blackmail, defamation and encroachment. Birds love their feather. Self-destruction of signs is unsagacious. P.S. To run for mayor of New York, Mr.Bloomberg has spent 250 million USD during the consecutive terms. To run for a Senate I think the cost is the same. So 15 years after Michael Huffington's running for Senate in California, the price tag is about 7 times as it was. To practice democracy, fund raising is imperative. According ...

Statement :supplement

Some problem caused by struggle between authentic(genuine) Marxist and fake Marxist shouldn't have involved me. I am in neither of these categories. My creed has been written in previous blog. I once was forced to study Marxism: upper level construction is determined by economic basis. Very funny? Who evolved whom? Thought provoking? What I try to point out is a prestigious company's reputation(brand) is worthy of great fortune, perspective leader with vision and intelligence must be aware of it.


To Whom it May Concern: I really wish some reporter or journalist can write an in-depth investigative report in terms of political, economical, social and cultural angle to probe how psychiatric manipulation can cover up encroachment of money and murder. A reporter or journalist's responsibility is to discover the truth and behind-the-scene plot. You can reach me at 604-583-7223.

Theme and Variation

Chinese idiom says:"Being a thief, feeling untenable". The asteroid mentioned by Joseph Noah can be directed to anywhere where I don't get justice. The world is changing constantly. Conflict, contradiction and confrontation can co-exist with integration. Capitalism and socialism seems relocated. Mao wrote an article about anti-doctrinism in which he opposed the doctrine that prevented him from freedom. Deng opposed Mao's doctrine in favor of pragmatism. Here is the oxymoron. I think Dr.Prigogine's theory can be applied to resolve the conundrum of history that remains poignant, on the other hand, neutralising Dr.Edward Lorenz's scenario with affinity reaction. Political spectrum should not interfere my business because I'm a carrier of higher dimension sphere to which I'm in response.

Another Statement

First principle of our society: church and state should be separated. Government can't donate money to church(religious group), but can compensate individuals. It's me who decide to donate to which church(religious group) and research institution, not the big government, religious group and interest group to manipulate my money. Otherwise it's also against free market principle, against liberty, equality and pursuit of happiness principle. These are foundations of our critical judgement( of right or wrong).

Exposure: Supplement

I sent a registered mail to TransUnion's compliance office last year to report ID theft, later I mentioned I can't go through my credit check by phone or internet. Last year I even received six digit pre-approved credit card offer, what I mentioned in previous blog is I just tried to apply a four digit card. Right now I just found a financial compliance officer(Kevin John Pinto) in Toronto involved bank robbery. Fair play ended, foul play ensued. It seems like reality under Lu, Xun's pen. No wonder my data at TransUnion got sabotaged. In 2001 my phone number was 604-435-0909, you can check previous phone books(records) in which it was registered. Then how can Canada Post declared I'd moved out? At present I discovered my phone number(604-583-7223) is registered in White Rock at "Canada411" website,which is the deception; nevertheless the same number in some US phone record check websites shows it is registered in Surrey, which is the truth. According to Secur...

See No Evil, Hear No evil

Identity grabber is like Lucifer regarded as morning star as Jesus is. Some authority just let those quasi-Jing-guang party(gang) do bamboozling, blackmail, defamation and encroachment to me. Truth is trouble-maker and conspiracy-plotter try to control everything. Some establishment performed a variation of old Chinese revue: there is no 300 ounces gold here, some Joe didn't steal it. Mao demanded that "Red Chamber" should be read at least 5-6 times, I just read once. It seems the imbroglio manifests here and I'm in a disadvantage position. We are supposed to be in a normal western democracy instead of in the shadow of secret chamber politics. Some rogue element within some political spectrum and religious sector pursues power and interest, interfering individual person's pursuit of liberty, equality and happiness. I still remember CTV's broadcasting that a lot of people gathered in front of supreme court to protest thuggery in the winter of 2007, meanwhile th...