Last year a news report said former president Mr.Clinton went through therapy for some condition to which I'm in a opposite situation. The cover-up mentioned last week has prevented me from recovery and survival due to lack of fund. We are not supposed to be in a George Orwell's "Animal Farm" and "1984". We are supposed to be in a rule-of-law society in which identity grabber should not be cherished, or Lucifer(morning star like Jesus) is cherished. "I'm who I'm" is a savior, Lucifer does bamboozling, blackmail, defamation and encroachment. Birds love their feather. Self-destruction of signs is unsagacious. P.S. To run for mayor of New York, Mr.Bloomberg has spent 250 million USD during the consecutive terms. To run for a Senate I think the cost is the same. So 15 years after Michael Huffington's running for Senate in California, the price tag is about 7 times as it was. To practice democracy, fund raising is imperative. According ...