2021-8-26 Blog Updated Again 2022-9-22 One more paragraph added at the end The Illuminati KGB godfather circus runs in a manifestation that Pharisees/Pharaoh/Pharhai(法海) don't care the image in the international stage - to show "Dead pig won't be afraid of being scalded"(不顾一切礼义廉耻,露出死猪不怕开水烫的吃相),李敖教大的人渣,越来越横着走路- end-time pattern once endorsed by prophets and Scripture- Jeremiah2:22 + Isaiah2:22 = 人渣高元次方(李敖荣膺#24 in China ). Metaphorically speaking, in a river called“流沙河” which is corresponding to certain sky canopy, i.e. 顶着一片猪八戒的天, 一小撮妖孽行 perversion/perversity 礼 - That God speed Zech.5:3 seems not quite efficient to deal with them, cases from Beijing/Shanghai to Toronto: 复旦苏教授火了!一下扯出600多个假博士… https://www.bannedbook.org/bnews/cnnews/20220815/1771773.html 陈春花假博士丑闻曝光/为何劣币驱逐良币? https://www.bannedbook.org/bnews/bannedvideo/20220724/1762293.html