Footnote of last blog added and revision made. Political monk as neuron hacker or mental wave hacker help emit condescending wave of the unwanted hand riding the tide of 72 gods and goddesses. Rev. Perry Stone's vision belongs to matters in the realm of end-time prophecy--Christian spirituality--faith and vision are closely related; what Dr.Michael Drosnin discovers in his book ((Bible Code))--I, II, III with his computer algorithm is Easter egg embedded by God, which confers him insight into matters of tiny probability. Some of my vision is in conformity with the matters of tiny probability computed by Dr, Drosnin, unfortunately, the psychiatrist Dr.Maclachlan with Liu, Li-ya to whom I was once demanded to brief disregarded my presentation of important vision, what's the problem? whose problem is it? At least as I was told that Ms.Liu believes spiritual matter.