After reading Northwest University professor Daniel Chiro's ((Modern Tyrant)), I have some suggestion to revise a major diagram about regime classification. Stalin and Mao's rule is totally lack of honesty, hence falls into the category of extremely certitude and hypocrisy. Nevertheless there appears a new type of regime--modern pseudo-democracy--superficial democracy without rule of law.Revision should be adding a third axis that can be labeled "Hypocrisy" to make the diagram three dimensional. So the pseudo-democracy falls into the category of pragmatism and hypocrisy. Are we under martial law? Analogous to Mr.Yuan, Mu's circumstance is my reality-- OBSI and my bank's "not a penny" statement. Long term martial law means military dictatorship. It's still lawless, however, because it's contradictory to human rights oriented constitution. Nowadays world economy becomes more and more inter-dependent, European economy especially needs salvatio